Override Tolerance Type

When a currency exchange rate override is allowed, you can use this field to specify the override tolerance type. On the Multi-Currency Parameters form, this is a system-level setting. You can change the setting for a selected currency code on the Currency Codes form.

On the Multi-Currency Parameters form, options are Amount and Percent. On the Currency Codes form, options are Amount, Percent, Default, or blank.

On either form, if you choose Amount or Percent, then together with the Override Tolerance Amount, this determines the fixed or percentage amount of change users can make when overriding an exchange rate.

On the Currency Codes form, if you choose Default, the override settings on the Multi-Currency Parameters form are used. This is helpful if you had changed the setting here and now you want to go back to using the system-level default setting. If you leave this field blank, no threshold is used for the selected currency code, regardless of the system-level setting, and any override amount is allowed on the transactions.