1 Euro =

Note:  This field appears only if the Part of Euro field is set to Yes.

Enter the exchange rate to one unit of the Euro. The rate you enter depends on whether your base domestic currency is set as Part of Euro in the Currency Codes and Rates form:

  • If your domestic currency is set as Part of Euro, enter the exchange rate of this foreign currency to one unit of the Euro.
  • If your domestic currency is not set as Part of Euro, enter the exchange rate of your domestic currency to one unit of the Euro.

This exchange rate is used in Triangulation conversions between Part of Euro currencies. Each Part of Euro currency has one exchange rate to the Euro; there are no buy and sell rates.

If your domestic currency is set as Part of Euro, the system uses the domestic currency's 1 Euro = value in conjunction with foreign currency buying and selling exchange rates in order to perform Triangulation conversions.