Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate to be used between the from site and the to site when the two sites have different domestic currencies.

The Exchange Rate field facilitates using a fixed exchange rate for transfer of inventory from the from site to the to site based upon an agreement between the two sites.

If the from site and the to site report to the same entity, the base currencies are the same and the exchange rate is 1.000.

The default value is the Buying Exchange Rate for the to site specified on the Currency Rates form. To update the rate to the current value, click the Calculate Exchange Rate button. The system uses the exchange rate you specify in this field, not the exchange rate at the time of a transaction.

Note:  For transactions between the from site and the to site, the to site is considered the domestic currency site. The default Exchange Rate, obtained from the to site, will be the to site's current buy rate for the from site's currency to the to site's domestic currency. If no buy rate has been established for the to site, then the default Exchange Rate is 1.000.