Transfer/Project BOL Prefix

Enter the default prefix to be used for bill of lading numbers. This prefix is used when generating Transfer or Project Advance Ship Notices.

A prefix can consist of numeric and non-numeric (letters and symbols) characters. However, the prefix should end with an alphabetic character to ensure that the system increments BOL numbers correctly.

For example, if you enter UX in the Transfer/Project BOL Prefix field, the default bill of lading numbers in Transfer or Project Advance Ship Notices used at this site will be UX00001, UX00002, UX00003, and so forth. If you do not enter a value in the Transfer/Project BOL Prefix field, the default bill of lading numbers will be 1, 2, 3, and so forth.

After a prefix is added, the prefix will not affect any existing BOL numbers. When entering BOL numbers in the system, you may overwrite the prefix.