Add Area

You can build a value expression by combining parameters, operations, functions, and literals. Use the fields and button in this area of the form to build the value expression:

  • In the Type field, select one of these options and then select the appropriate row from the grid:
    • Attribute Text: The grid lists the available attributes. When selected, the attribute name is displayed. In the Value text box, this is shown as A (attribute). Using literals can be used to develop strings based on a concatenation of string values. This results in consistent descriptions that can be modified across dimensions.
    • Attribute Value: The grid lists the available attributes. When selected, the attribute value displays. In the Value text box, this is shown as V (attribute).
    • Parameter: The grid displays a list of the available tables and columns that were defined for this object on the Dimension Table Joins form. Select a table and column from the list. Use the Table field to filter the grid for a specific table.
    • Operation: The grid displays a list of available operations.
    • SQL Function: The grid displays a list of the functions defined on the Dimension Functions form.
  • Click Add to add your selection to the Value text box. This button is enabled only if the currently selected attribute's Type is set to Function.
  • Literals must be typed in the text box and are designated as L (value). Literals can be concatenated with V (attribute). For example, you could create the attribute Account Number with a value of A (Account) + L(-) + V(Account). This attribute is displayed as, for example, Account-11200.