Alert on Item Price Response Creation - Workflow Event Handler

Use this event handler to automatically notify SyteLine users when an item price response is created using the Vendor Portal Item Price Requests page.

To receive this notification, SyteLine users must be subscribed to the ItemPriceResponseAlert publication. The notification can be an external email and a message sent to the SyteLine Inbox form.

Notification Text

To: sluser
From: portaluser
Subject: Vendor Portal - Item Price Response Entered
Body: An Item Price Response for Request ipr_id
            , Item 
            , Due Date 
            , Quantity Qty
            , U/M 
            , and Domestic Unit Price 
             was entered by vendor 

Variable Information

Variable Description
sluser The SyteLine user who subscribes to this alert. The user's primary email address (from the Users form) is used.
portaluser The Vendor Portal user who enters the item price response.
ipr_id The item price request ID assigned to the request on the SyteLine Item Price Requests form.
item The item number.
DueDate The date upon which the customer plans to order the selected item and by which they need to receive the item price response.
RequiredQty The quantity the customer intends to purchase of the selected item.
Qty The quantity specified when the item price request was created, although it may be changed on the item price response.
UM The SyteLine unit of measure for the item.
DomesticUnitPrice The vendor's domestic unit price, based on currency and unit price.
VendorName The name of the vendor who is responding to the item price request.

Associated Event and IDO

The event IdoPostItemInsert for the SLItemPriceResponses IDO triggers this notification.