Notify Portal PO Req Line Approval/Rejection - Workflow Event Handler

Use this event handler to automatically notify Vendor Portal users when SyteLine users approve or reject a PO requisition line created on the portal. The notifications can be external e-mails and/or messages sent to the portal user's Inbox page.

The SyteLine user can approve or reject the PO requisition line(s) using the Change PO Requisition Line Status form or the Purchase Order Requisition form.

Notification Text

If the PO requisition line is approved, this message is sent to the portal user:

To: portaluser
From: sluser
Subject: Request for PO Requisition Line Approved
Body: PO Requisition is approved for below Line(s). Line POReqLine on PO Requisition POReqNum is approved.	

If the PO requisition line is rejected, this message is sent to the portal user:

To: portaluser
From: sluser
Subject: Request for PO Requisition Line Rejected
Body: PO Requisition was rejected for below Line(s). Line POReqLine on PO Requisition POReqNum was rejected.	

Variable Information

Variable Description
portaluser The user who enters a PO Requisition Line record using the Vendor Portal Planned Orders page.
sluser The SyteLine user who receives and approves or rejects the PO Requisition Line record.
POReqLine The PO requisition line number.
POReqNum The PO requisition number.

Associated Event and IDO

The event IdoOnItemUpdate for the SLPreqItems IDO triggers this notification.

Note:  Similar notifications are used when PO lines are added by Vendor Portal users on the Planned Orders page. These notifications do not require workflow event handlers. In this case, notification is sent to SyteLine users assigned to the PortalPOLineCreatedManagerID event global constant.