Portal Administrator Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab on the Portal Administrator Home form provides links to forms and activities needed by a portal administrator.

My Stats

The My Stats area of this tab contains three links: Alerts, Tasks, and Inbox. These links redirect you to the Tasks tab, where you can get additional information about your available alerts, tasks and Inbox messages.

Key Stats

The Key Stats area of this tab contains two links: Pending Approval and Expired Messages. These links redirect you to a corresponding sub-tab on the Navigator tab.

Portal Order Placement

This area displays a line chart of submitted and unsubmitted portal orders created each month. Submitted orders are regular customer orders (COs) with a status other than Planned, and unsubmitted orders are estimate COs or regular COs with a status of Planned.

Event Activity for Top 5 Events

This area displays a bar chart of portal event activity. By default, activity comes from all portals for the current day. Only the top five events are displayed. On the Navigator tab, you can change the date and portal for which to display event activity.

Note: In order to see event activity in this chart, you must set the Keep Successful Event States flag to 1 on the Process Defaults form. This setting can quickly impact performance based on the number of events you activate in SyteLine and the number of executions of those events. Generally this setting should be used only temporarily.


The final area of this tab contains five sub-tabs: Customer Portal, Reseller Portal, Vendor Portal, Administrator Setup, and General. These sub-tabs provide links to all associated SyteLine forms.