Sources for Notes

This topic describes the print options for notes what forms they are found on, and where the source notes are created and attached.

For more information about note-printing options and types of notes that can be printed, see Working with Notes.

Sources for Printable Notes

The following table lists printable note options as they appear on report forms and utilities. Each entry in the first column displays first the option as it is labeled in the form and second the form(s) on which it appears. The second column displays the names of the forms from which the notes are taken, where they are created and attached.

In cases where multiples sources are possible, the form names are followed by numbers in parenthesis indicating which source (in the second column) is used for that form.

Note Label/

Form where found


(Form where note is created/attached)

Customer (Print Invoice Text)

Post Project Retention Invoice

Display DO Line Notes

Print Delivery Order Packing Slip Report

Delivery Order Lines
Display DO Line Sequence Notes/Text

Print Delivery Order Packing Slip Report

Print Delivery Order Pro Forma Invoice Report

Delivery Order Line Sequences
Display DO/BOL Notes

Print Delivery Order Packing Slip Report

Delivery Orders
Line (Print Invoice Text)

Post Project Retention Invoice

Invoice Milestones
Materials (Print Notes For)

Item Current Routing Report

Current Materials
Operations (Print Notes For)

Item Current Routing Report

Current Operations
Print Bill To Notes

Consolidated Invoicing

Estimate Response Form Report


Invoice Builder

Order Invoicing/Credit Memo

Order Verification Report

Print Price Adjustment Invoice

RMA Credit Memo

Customers, Ship-To records numbered 0 (zero)
Print Blanket Line Notes

Change Order Report

Purchase Order Blanket Lines
Print Blanket Notes

Builder Purchase Order Report (2)

Order Verification Report (1)

Purchase Order Report (2)

(1) Customer Order Blanket Lines

(2) Purchase Order Blanket Lines

Print Change Text

Change Order Detail Report

Change Notes button on:

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Blanket Lines

Purchase Order Blanket Releases

Print Customer Notes

A/R Invoice Credit Debit Memo Report


Invoice Builder

Order Invoicing/Credit Memo

Post Project Invoice Milestones

Print Price Adjustment Invoice

Reprint Project Invoices Report

Print ECN Item Notes

ECN Report

Engineering Change Notice Items
Print ECN Notes

ECN Report

Engineering Change Notices
Print Estimate Notes

Estimate Response Form Report

Estimate Status Report

Print External Notes

On forms where this option appears in conjunction with other note-printing options, this option determines whether external notes from the other note-printing options are printed in reports.

On forms where this and the Print Internal Notes options are the only note-printing options, the source of those notes is as shown in "Other Internal/External Notes Sources."

For more information about this and the Print Internal Notes options, see "Internal/External Notes" in Working with Notes.

See "Other Internal/External Notes Sources."
Print GRN Line Notes

Vendor ASN Reconciliation Report

Goods Receiving Notes Lines
Print GRN Notes

Vendor ASN Reconciliation Report

Goods Receiving Notes
Print Internal Notes

On forms where this option appears in conjunction with other note-printing options, this option determines whether internal notes from the other note-printing options are printed in reports.

On forms where this and the Print External Notes options are the only note-printing options, the source of those notes is as shown in "Other Internal/External Notes Sources."

See "Other Internal/External Notes Sources."
Print Invoice, Debit, Credit Memo Notes

A/R Invoice Credit Debit Memo Report

Invoice, Debit and Credit Memos

To print the notes, place the notes on the header and not on the distribution.

Print Job Material Notes (Print Job Matl Notes)

Production Schedule Routing Report (1)

Estimate Job Routing Report (2)

Job Packet (2)

(1) Production Schedule Item Materials

(2) Job Materials

Print Job Operation Notes

Production Schedule Routing Report

Production Schedule Item Operations
Print Job Route Notes

Estimate Job Routing Report

Job Packet

Job Operations
Print Line Notes

Estimate Response Form Report (1)

Purchase Requisition Report (2)

Transfer Order Ship Pick List (3)

Transfer Ship Packing Slip (3)

(1) Estimate Lines

(2) Purchase Order Requisition Lines

(3) Transfer Order Line Items

Print Line/Release Notes (Print Line Release Notes)

Builder Purchase Order Report (2)

Change Order Report (2)

Consolidated Invoicing (1)

Estimate Status Report (3)

Order Invoicing/Credit Memo (1)

Order Verification Report (2)

Packing Slip (1)

Print Price Adjustment Invoice (1)

Purchase Order Report (2)

Reprint Packing Slip Report (1)

(1) Customer Order Lines (for regular orders)


Customer Order Blanket Releases (for blanket orders)

(2) Purchase Order Lines (for regular orders)


Purchase Order Blanket Releases (for blanket orders)

(3) Estimate Lines

Print Material Notes

Generate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution

Item Revision Report

Validate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution

Current Materials
Print Milestone Notes

Post Project Invoice Milestones

Reprint Project Invoices Report

Invoice Milestones
Print Operation Notes

Generate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution

Item Revision Report

Validate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution

Current Operations
Print Order Notes

Invoice Builder   

Order Invoicing/Credit Memo

Order Verification Report

Packing Slip

Print Price Adjustment Invoice

Reprint Packing Slip Report

Transfer Order Ship Pick List

Customer Orders
Print PO Blanket Line Notes

Outbound Shipping Schedule Report

Purchase Order Blanket Lines
Print PO Change Notes

Change Order Report

Change Notes button on Purchase Orders
Print PO Item Notes

Inbound PO Acknowledgment Report (1)

Outbound Purchase Order Report (2)

Outbound Shipping Schedule Report (2)

(1) EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgment Lines and/or incoming flat file

(2) Purchase Order Blanket Releases

Print PO Line Notes

Inbound PO Acknowledgment Report (1)

Outbound Purchase Order Report (2)

(1) EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgment Blanket Lines/Releases and/or incoming flat file

(2) Purchase Order Blanket Lines

Print PO Notes

Builder Purchase Order Report (1)

Change Order Report (1)

Inbound PO Acknowledgment Report (2)

Outbound Purchase Order Report (1)

Outbound Shipping Schedule Report (1)

Purchase Order Report (1)

(1) Purchase Orders

(2) EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgments and/or incoming flat file

Print Progressive Billing Notes

Invoice Builder


Order Invoicing/Credit Memo

Progressive Billings
Print Project Notes

Post Project Invoice Milestones

Project Packing Slip

Reprint Project Invoices Report

Reprint Project Packing Slip Report

Print Requisition Notes

Purchase Requisition Report

Purchase Order Requisitions
Print Resource Notes

Project Packing Slip

Reprint Project Packing Slip Report

Project Resources
Print RMA Disposition Notes

Vendor Packing Slip

Reprint Vendor Packing Slip Report

RMA Item Dispositions
Print RMA Line Notes

RMA Credit Memo

RMA Verification Report

RMA Lines
Print RMA Notes

RMA Credit Memo

RMA Verification Report

Print Ship To Notes

Estimate Response Form Report

Order Verification Report

RMA Credit Memo

Customers, Ship-To records not numbered 0 (zero)
Display Shipment Seq Notes

Shipment Pro Forma Invoice Report


Shipment Packing Slip Report


Shipment Master AND Pack Confirmation

Display Shipment Notes

Shipment Packing Slip Report

Shipment Master
Display Shipment Package Notes

Shipment Packing Slip Report

Shipment Master AND Pack Confirmation
Print Transfer Line Notes

Reprint Transfer Ship Packing Slip Report

Transfer Order Line Items
Print Transfer Notes

Reprint Transfer Ship Packing Slip Report

Transfer Ship Packing Slip

Transfer Orders
Project (Print Invoice Text)

Post Project Retention Invoice


Other Internal or External Notes Sources

This table lists those report forms and utilities where Print External Notes and Print Internal Notes are the only two note-printing options. The first column lists the form in which these options appear. The second column shows where the notes for that form are taken from.

Note:  On other forms, where the Print External Notes and Print Internal Notes options appear in conjunction with other note-printing options, these options control which of the other note-printing options actually get printed.
Form (where found) Source (form where note is created/attached)
Generate Order Pick List Customer Order Lines (for regular orders) OR

Customer Order Blanket Releases (for blanket orders)

Order Status Report Customer Order Lines (for regular orders) OR

Customer Order Blanket Releases (for blanket orders)

Customer Interactions Report Customer Interactions
EDI Purchase Order Status Report Customer Order Lines (for regular orders) OR Customer Order Blanket Releases (for blanket orders)
Estimate Worksheet Report Estimate Lines
Estimates By Profit Report Estimates
General Ledger Journal Entries
General Ledger Check Information Report Journal Entries
General Ledger Transaction Report Journal Entries
Goods Receiving Note Report Goods Receiving Notes Lines
Job Packet

Job Header

Job Traveller

Operation Listing

Job Orders

Job Operations

Job Operations AND Job Materials (This subreport has other options.)

Journal Transaction Report Journal Entries
Multi-FSB General Ledger Journal Entries

Multi-FSB Journal Entries

Multi-FSB General Ledger Check Information Report Journal Entries

Multi-FSB Journal Entries

Multi-FSB General Ledger Transaction Report Journal Entries

Multi-FSB Journal Entries

Multi-FSB Journal Transaction Report Multi-FSB Journal Entries
Pro Forma Invoice Report Transfer Orders
Prospect Interactions Report Prospect Interactions
RMA Status Report RMA Lines
Shipment Packing Slip Report Shipment Master
Shipment Pro Forma Invoice Report Shipment Master
Sales Contact Interactions Report Sales Contact Interactions
Vendor Interactions Report Vendor Interactions