Setting Up Incremental Date Ranges for Reports That Run in the Background

Use this example to understand how to set up incremental date ranges.

It is Friday, September 8. You want to set up a report to run in the background every Saturday night. The report should include all transactions from the previous week. You want to run the report for the first time on Saturday, September 9, to include transactions from September 2 through September 8. On Sept 16, the report will run again, and include transactions from September 9 through September 15, and so on in the future.

To set this up:

  1. In the report form, set the Starting Date as the current date minus 7 days, or September 1 in our example. Set the Ending Date as the current date minus 1 day, or September 7 in our example
  2. Submit the report to be executed as a background task every week, starting on September 9.

This setup runs the report on September 9 for a date range of September 2 to September 8; and then again on September 16 for a date range of September 9 to September 15; and so on.