Mapping ISO 4217 Currencies to Existing Currencies

If you already have custom currencies defined and referenced elsewhere in the system, you cannot delete or modify them, for data consistency. However, when integrating SyteLine to other BOD-enabled applications, only the ISO currency codes may be used. In order to make this work, you can map any existing custom currencies to the predefined ISO currencies, using theCurrency Codes form.

You can map multiple currencies to the same ISO currency code. This is acceptable if you already have existing custom currencies used in transactions stored in the database. For example, you might map the following:

Currency Code Currency Description ISO Currency Code
USD US Dollars USD
Dollars US Dollars USD

However, if you do this, the system will choose only one of the descriptions to display in Business Object Documents (BODs). So if you have mapped multiple names to one ISO country in error, the BOD may include an incorrect currency description. For example:

Currency Code Currency Description ISO Currency Code
BMD Bermuda Dollar BMD
BHD Bahama Dollar BMD
Note:  In addition, currency formats and symbols should be set up to be the same for all user-defined currency codes associated with a single ISO currency code, so that when a BOD is generated for an ISO currency code, formats and symbols remain the same.