Monitoring Disk Space

You can monitor disk space usage and set a threshold above which certain users will receive a notification. Use these steps to set up the notification:

  1. In the Publications form, add a publication that will be used for notifying users about low disk space. For example, add a publication named DiskLowAlert. Specify a category for the publication, for example, IT Admin.
  2. Use the Monitored Resources form to specify these values to set up disk monitoring:
    Field Value
    Resource Type DiskSpace
    Resource Name The disk drive, for example C:
    Active Activates monitoring when selected.
    Machine Name The name of the computer where the drive is located, for example USCMH
    User Name/Password The Windows user name and password used to connect to the computer. This user must be part of the Administrative group.
    Domain The complete domain name, for example
    Warning Threshold The threshold percentage above which you want to be warned. For example 65.00 sends an alert message when the disk space is filled above 65%.
    Alert Subject The subject of the notification, for example Disk space is low
    Alert Message The message to send, for example Disk space is low on HDD C
    Publication Name In this required field, select the publication you defined in step 1, for example DiskLowAlert.
  3. Click Add Subscribers.
  4. On the Publication Subscribers form, specify the users who should receive the publication you set up in step 1 (for example DiskLowAlert).