Upgrading to Logical Folders from Flat Files

Previously, functions such as external payroll and EDI required users to set parameters that specified UNC pathnames to folders on a shared local server. Those folders were used to store XML or other “flat files” that are imported, exported, or created by the functions. This prevents the use of these functions in the cloud, where users cannot directly add, delete or access files that are stored on local servers.

Now, you define file servers and logical folders to be used for these functions. For example, you could define a logical folder called EDIDemandInboundData to store EDI inbound data files, and a logical folder called EFTImports to store imported EFT files. These could be on the same or different file servers.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of this application, the upgrade attempts to create file servers and logical folders that are equivalent to the current servers and directories that you used for these functions:

  • 1095 Form Printing Report
  • Bank File Format
  • BOM Bulk Import Parameters
  • CARaS Commodity Code Extraction
  • CARaS Customer Address Extraction
  • CARaS Parts Extraction
  • CARaS Ship Via Extraction
  • Demand EDI Parameters - Interface Setup
  • EDI Transaction Load Routine
  • EDI Transaction Unload Routine
  • Electronic File Transfer Imports
  • Electronic File Transfer Mappings
  • External Payroll Interface Input
  • External Payroll Interface Parameters
  • Inventory Parameters
  • Magnetic Media Direct Deposit
  • Mexican SAT Parameters
  • Order Entry Parameters
  • Positive Pay File Generator
  • Supply EDI Parameters - Interface Setup
  • Tax Parameters
  • W-2 Electronic Filing

The logical folders that are generated are based on your current folder structure. For example, if you currently have a demand EDI folder defined as \\USServer7\EDI\DEMAND, the upgrade creates a File Server called USServer7 and a Logical Folder on that server named EDI. (You will set up the additional subfolder levels later, through the folder template.)

After the upgrade script is run, follow these steps to complete the setup:

  1. On the File Servers form, verify that the file server UNC directory value is set correctly.
  2. Provide a User ID and Password to log into the file server.
  3. On the File Server Logical Folders form, set up a Folder Template that matches the old folder structure.
    Using the above example, the Server Name would be set to USServer7, the Logical Folder Name would be set to EDI, and you would set the Folder Template to DEMAND.
  4. Click Verify to test the connection to the server.
  5. On the File Server Logical Folders form, verify the list of logical folders that were created by the upgrade script.
  6. On the Object Authorizations for Group form, select the file server that contains the logical folders, and set up group authorizations for each logical folder.