
The FireAESEventAdvanced API fires an Application Event System (AES) event with the option to include parameters in the request body. This API is ideal for large amounts of data that must be sent when firing an event.
POST /{responsetype}/aes/adv


Name In Required? Description
responsetype Path Yes Response request data format

Specify any of these values:

  • xml
  • json
debug Query Yes Used as a flag for returning verbose debug and test information


Name Description
Authorization If the API is called directly, then a Mongoose security token is obtained through a call to the GetSecurityToken API.

If the API is called through ION API, then a valid OAuth2.0 bearer token is provided by ION API.

X-Infor-MongooseConfig The name of a configuration that is available on the application server

This header is required only when using the Mongoose API through the ION API.

Request data in XML format


Request data in JSON format

   "EventName": "DivideNumbers",
   "Parameters": [
         "Name": "Num1",
         "Return": false,
         "Value": 200
         "Name": "Num2",
         "Return": false,
         "Value": 25
         "Name": "Quotient",
         "Return": true
         "Name": "Infobar",
         "Return": true

Response data in XML format


Response data in JSON format

   "EventName": "DivideNumbers",
   "Parameters": [
         "Name": "Quotient",
         "Value": "8",
         "Return": true
         "Name": "Infobar",
         "Value": "success",
         "Return": true
   "Message": "Success",
   "MessageCode": 600


This example code executes an AES event that divides two numbers and returns the quotient as an output parameter. The AES event details are passed as a request payload instead of including it in the request URL.

string xml = string.Empty;
using ( HttpClient client = new HttpClient() )
   // optionally, you can use json as the response type
   bool debug = true;
   string requestUrl = $"http://server/IDORequestService/MGRESTService.svc/xml/aes/adv/?debug={debug}";
   // provide token in the Authorization header
      "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002DoKUFOPmVDkwpQDbQj…==" );
   AESEventParameter num1 = new AESEventParameter();
   num1.Name = "Num1";
   num1.Return = false;
   num1.Value = "200";
   AESEventParameter num2 = new AESEventParameter();
   num2.Name = "Num2";
   num2.Return = false;
   num2.Value = "25";
   AESEventParameter quotient = new AESEventParameter();
   quotient.Name = "Quotient";
   quotient.Return = true;
   quotient.Value = "0";
   AESEventParameter[] parameters = new[] { num1, num2, quotient };
   FireAESEventRequest payload = new FireAESEventRequest();
   payload.EventName = "DivideNumbers";
   payload.Parameters = parameters;
   XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
   using ( XmlWriter writer = xdoc.CreateWriter() )
      DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer( payload.GetType() );
      serializer.WriteObject( writer, payload );
   // pass the AES event name and parameters as the request data and send the post request
   HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync( requestUrl, new StringContent( xdoc.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json" ) ).Result;
   using ( HttpContent content = response.Content )
      Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
      xml = result.Result;