
The CallMethod method executes an IDO method that can either be code in a custom assembly or in a stored procedure.


public object CallMethod( string strSessionToken,
                          string strIDOName,
                          string strMethodName,
                          ref string strMethodParameters )


Name Description
strSessionToken This is the session token obtained through a call to the CreateSessionToken API.
strIDOName This is the name of the IDO that publishes the method.
strMethodName This is the name of the IDO to call.
strMethodParameters This parameter is an XML-formatted string that contains the parameters to pass to the method. The argument for this parameters looks like this:
  <Parameter ByRef="Y|N">value</Parameter>


Returns the value that was returned to it by the method.


string sessionToken = "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002…5vl903teP0jSDwkFs";
string ido = "UserNames";
string idoMethod = "GetUserAttributes";
List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>
   new Parameter() { Text = "sa", ByRef = "Y" },
   new Parameter() { Text = string.Empty, ByRef = "Y" },
   new Parameter() { Text = string.Empty, ByRef = "Y" },
   new Parameter() { Text = string.Empty, ByRef = "Y" },
   new Parameter() { Text = string.Empty, ByRef = "Y" }
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator nav = xdoc.CreateNavigator();
using ( XmlWriter writer = nav.AppendChild() )
   XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( List<Parameter> ), new XmlRootAttribute( "Parameters" ) );
   serializer.Serialize( writer, parameters );
IDOWebService.DOWebServiceSoapClient soapClient = new IDOWebService.DOWebServiceSoapClient();
// provide the ido parameters as payload
string idoParameters = xdoc.OuterXml;
object result = soapClient.CallMethod( sessionToken, ido, idoMethod, ref idoParameters );

Helper classes for the example

You can use these classes to help construct the request as demonstrated in the code snippets above:

[XmlRoot( ElementName = "Parameter" )]
public class Parameter
   [XmlAttribute( AttributeName = "ByRef" )]
   public string ByRef { get; set; }
   public string Text { get; set; }
[XmlRoot( ElementName = "Parameters" )]
public class Parameters
   [XmlElement( ElementName = "Parameter" )]
   public Parameter Parameter { get; set; }