
Use UpdateCollection to perform updates on data, which includes insertion, modification, and deletion of data. UpdateCollection requests are constructed using the UpdateCollectionRequestData IDO protocol class.


These properties are available on the UpdateCollectionRequestData class:

Property Data Type Description
IDOName System.String Identifies the IDO used to execute the request
CollectionID System.String Specifies an identifier associated with this UpdateCollection request
RefreshAfterUpdate System.Boolean Specifies a boolean value used to indicate if the caller wants the response to contain the updated items refreshed after they were saved




System.String Specifies the properties used for custom actions that are used to save items
Note: This property is the same as a custom INS/UPD/DEL in Windows client.
LinkBy Mongoose.IDO.Protocol. PropertyPair array Applies to inner nested UpdateCollection requests only and specifies the relationship between a parent and child IDO in terms of property pairs

Use the SetLinkBy method to set this property.

Default: Empty

Items Mongoose.IDO.Protocol. IDOUpdateItems Specifies an instance of the IDOUpdateItems class that contains zero or more IDOUpdateItem instances

The IDOUpdateItem class contains the update information for a single item

TxnScope Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.TxnScope If set to Item, each individual item in the UpdateCollection request is saved in a separate transaction

For a hierarchical (nested) UpdateCollection request, the value of the TxnScope attribute at the root level determines the behavior for the entire UpdateCollection request. This attribute has no effect when it is included in an inner UpdateCollection within hierarchical requests.

UpdateCollection example

To execute an UpdateCollection request, first construct an instance of the UpdateCollectionRequestData class, and pass it to the UpdateCollection method on the IIDOCommands interface.

UpdateCollectionRequestData request = new
UpdateCollectionResponseData response; 
IDOUpdateItem newCust = new IDOUpdateItem(); 

request.IDOName = "SLCustomers"; 
request.RefreshAfterUpdate = true; 

newCust.Action = UpdateAction.Insert; 
newCust.ItemNumber = 1; 
// used for error reporting 
newCust.Properties.Add( "CustNum", "C000100" ); 
newCust.Properties.Add( "Name", "Boxmart" ); 
newCust.Properties.Add( "CurrCode", "USD" ); 
newCust.Properties.Add( "BankCode", "BK1" ); 

request.Items.Add( newCust ); 

response = this.Context.Commands.UpdateCollection( request ); 

LoadCollection/UpdateCollection example: saving changes to existing records

This example loads data from an IDO, updates the data and saves the collection.

public void DoUpdate()
   LoadCollectionResponseData loadresponse;
   string sFilter = "CoNum = 'C0000567'";

   loadresponse = this.Context.Commands.LoadCollection("SLCos", "Charfld1, CustNum", sFilter, "", -1);
   if ( loadresponse.Items.Count > 0 )
      UpdateCollectionRequestData updateRequest;
      IDOUpdateItem updateItem;
      // Create a new UpdateCollection request:
      updateRequest = new UpdateCollectionRequestData("SLCos");
      // Create a new update item for the row we loaded:
      updateItem = new IDOUpdateItem(UpdateAction.Update,
      // Add the CustNum property from LoadResposne, not modified:
      // Add the Charfld1 property using a new value, modified:
      updateItem.Properties.Add(“Charfld1”, “Owzat?”, true);
      // Add the update item to update the request:
      // Save the changes: