Getting the code to call the image file

Once the image file has been created and placed in the Infor Document Management app, and the data service for the Image component has been created, the next stage is to get the code to call it.

To get the code to call the image file, use this procedure:

Note: This procedure assumes that you are using Infor Ming.le as your primary working environment.
  1. From the Infor Ming.le menu, select Infor ION API.
  2. From the Available APIs, select Infor Document Management.
  3. In the Endpoints data grid, click the Documentation icon for the REST Api endpoint (
    This displays the documentation page for the IDM REST API.
  4. In the list of available APIs, locate the group of APIs for Items.
  5. In that group, locate GET > /items/search > Search for items (by string).
  6. Click GET.
  7. Click Try it out.
  8. From the Ming.le menu, select Document Management.
  9. In the Search Document Management field, click the down arrow (˅).
  10. From the Document Type drop-down list, select File.
  11. Click Search.
  12. In the Search Document Management field, click the down arrow (˅) and then click Show XQuery.
  13. Select and copy the XQuery text (/MDS_File)
  14. From the Infor Ming.le menu, select ION API.
  15. In the $query ("Query parameter") field, paste the text you copied.
  16. In the $offset ("Start index...") field, type: 0 (zero)
  17. In the $limit ("The maximum number of...") field, type 1 (one).
  18. From the Response content type drop-down list, select application/json;charset=utf-8.
  19. From the Response body Download field, select and copy the entire body of code.
You are now ready to finish configuring the data service for your Image component.