Substitute Bill of Material Components

This utility globally substitutes a new item for an old item in a bill of material. You may elect to substitute the item in estimates, jobs, current bills of material, production schedules, and costing alternatives. You can also substitute the item's material type, quantity, units, unit of measure, scrap factor and reference.

After you set the parameters and preview the form, the results display in the grid at the bottom of the form. From there, you can select which items you want copied. Once you select them, you can select Commit and click Process to process the substitution.

  • If you substitute an item in a current bill of material, the system sets the old material's expiration date to the effective date of the substitution, creates a new material record for the newly assigned item, and sets its effective date to the supplied date.
  • If you have posted the material to the job, you cannot substitute that material.
  • If the Revision Track field is selected for the item, you cannot update the item's Revision field. To make changes to the item, you must issue an ECN. If the ECN field is cleared, you can update the Revision field. The system handles the Revision Track field on the Items form according to the type specification entered in the applicable ECN Use field on the Inventory Parameters form.
  • Substitutions do not occur for jobs with a status of Complete or History or for jobs for items that have previous revisions.
  • If you are using APS, substitutions to current BOMs do not occur if the material being substituted for is an alternate material and the material being substituted is already in the alternate group, or if the material being substituted is a non-inventory item.
  • If you run this utility at the PS release level (that is, the PS Release Mfg Type field is selected), substitutions do not occur for PS releases that have had production schedule transactions posted against them. However, if you run the utility at the PS Item level, substitutions for PS release components of PS items occur regardless of whether transactions have been posted against them.
  • You can add a job material (or estimate job material) that is the same as the job's end item only if the job is a rework order.