
Select the material type for this job material:

  • Material: Items converted via the manufacturing process into components or finished products. These materials are all maintained in the Items form, and are normally allocated and consumed in the manufacturing process. You cannot add more than 999 materials for an operation.
  • Fixture: Materials that support raw materials or tooling during the machining process. You enter fixtures into a job via the job routing, just as materials, and you maintain them in Items. Normally, fixtures are not consumed in the manufacturing process, and you can use them for a number of jobs.
  • Tool: An instrument utilized in a machine. Like raw materials and fixtures, you enter tools into a job via a job routing and maintain them in Items. Tools may be consumed in the manufacturing process, but often are used on a lot basis, or for a series of jobs.
  • Other: Materials treated in one of two ways. Type Other materials, which exist in Items, post an issued quantity and cost, drawing down on-hand quantities in Items. Type Other materials not in Items allow other or miscellaneous charges to the job, and post quantity, cost, and account number.
Note:  The APS Planning function does not plan materials of Type Other.