
Enter the markup you want to associate with this product code. The markup is the ratio of price to cost. For example, you would enter a 75% markup as 1.75.

The markup you enter determines what the system uses as standard markup for items associated with this product code.

If you select the Markup check box next to the Unit Price field on the Item Pricing form, the Unit Price field will reflect the markup for that particular item. The system calculates the price of an item by multiplying the Unit Cost by the Markup.


Markup should be at least 1, since:

  • P = C x M
  • P = Price
  • C = Cost
  • M = Markup

Markups affect these areas: estimate order items, the Items forms, estimated job rollups, estimated job materials, estimated job operations, the estimate worksheet, and the items reports.

Note:  If you enter a markup for the product code, the system will only save it if you have can cost authorizations for this program.