Lot Track

On the Items or Multi-Site Items form, select this check box to instruct the system to lot-track the item. Clear the box when the item is not lot-tracked.

On the Item Lot Locations, Item Stockroom Location, Reservations for Order, or Reservations for Item forms, this check box is display-only and is selected when the item is lot-tracked, as defined on the Items or Multi-Site Items form. The field is cleared when the item is not lot-tracked.

Note:  On the Item Lot Locations, Item Stockroom Location, Reservations for Order, or Reservations for Item forms, the system does not allow you to add quantity to a stockroom location if the item is lot-tracked or serial-tracked.
Note: This field is disabled:
  • If the item exists on a material with a non-zero on-hand quantity.
  • If a serial record exists with a non-zero stock quantity.
  • If a job for the item exists with a job transaction.
  • If unposted job transactions exist for a lot item that has finished data.
  • If the quantity in the On Hand field of the Items or Multi-Site Items form is greater than zero. (In this case you cannot update any of the lot or serial fields on the Items form for the displayed item.)