
This field indicates the origin of the cross-reference as it pertains only to the From Site. The Source Type can only be updated on the From site. Valid entries for the first field are:

  • Inventory: The items will be transferred from inventory. Three blank fields display: Ref Number, Line, and Release. Do not enter anything in these fields. Clicking the Source button opens the Items form.
  • Purchase Order: The items will be transferred from a purchase order. Three blank fields display. Enter the PO number, the PO line number, and the PO release number. If you click the Source button, the system prompts you to create a PO. However, if the PO already exists, the system routes you to the PO header form.
  • Job: The items will be transferred from a job. Three blank fields display. Enter the job number, the job suffix number, and the operation number. If you click the Source button, the system prompts you to create a job. However, if the job already exists, the system routes you to the Job form.
  • Requisition: The reference indicates a PO requisition. The requisition must be connected to a purchase order. At that time, the source data will be updated to indicate the new reference.
Note:  If you delete or update the reference information in this field, the system displays a message indicating the cross-reference will be unlinked.

On the Transfer Order Ship and Combined Transfer Order Ship/Receive forms, the source displays and is read-only.