
This field is only enabled if the Use CO or Forecast field is set to Both on the Planning Parameters form.

Select a customer to apply it to the selected forecast. If a customer forecast exists for the customer, the order consumes requirements from that forecast. If a forecast is not specific to a customer and does not have a specific forecast, the order will apply to that forecast.

This example illustrates the concept:

Forecast   Date   Qty  
Item Customer Forecast Projected Original Required
FA-30000 C1 10-Jan   200  20
FA-30000   10-Jan   200  100

Customer orders for customer C1 impact the forecast defined for C1. Customer orders for customers other than C1 impact the forecast that does not have a customer. If any forecast exists for a customer, it is applied to this forecast and never impacts the forecast that has a differing customer or no customer number. The only way to stop forecasting for a customer separately is to delete all records related to the item-customer forecast.