Cost/Total Cost

On the Estimate Lines form's Cost Detail tab, the accumulated total of the Unit Cost fields displays. The following represents the calculation:

C = MC + LC + FOC + VOC + OC

  • C = Cost
  • MC = Material Cost
  • LC = Labor Cost
  • FOC = Fixed Overhead Cost
  • VOC = Variable Overhead Cost
  • OC = Outside Cost
Note:  When the Revision Track field on the Items form is not selected, you can update this field. When Revision Track is selected, you must update this field through an Engineering Change Notice.

On the Estimate Materials form, this field displays the total of the material, labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, and outside costs for the Item. The default value comes from Items. It is considered the planned cost for all job cost reports.

On the Production Schedule Item Materials and Production Schedule Release Materials forms, this field displays the total of the material, labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, and outside costs for the item. The default value comes from Items when the item is backflushed.

On the Current Materials, Standard Materials, and Job Materials forms, this field displays the total of the material, labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, and outside costs for the Item.