Copy to PS Item BOM Button

Copies the item current routing and bill of material (BOM) to the displayed production schedule item. This action creates a new set of operations and materials that you can modify for this production schedule item (click the PS Item Operations and PS Item Materials buttons to modify the new PS Item routing/BOM).

If this production schedule item already has a routing/BOM, clicking this button replaces that routing/BOM with the item current routing/BOM, overwriting any changes you made. Before you click this button, note whether the PS Item BOM Exists check box is selected.

If there are releases for this production schedule item that do not contain a routing/BOM, the system prompts you also to copy the item current routing/BOM to those releases. If you want to do this, click Yes. Or, if you want to make changes to the production schedule item routing/BOM before copying it to the releases, click No.