Previewing Financial Statements

By default, on the Financial Statement Preview form (available only to version 10 customers who had a prior version. New customers beginning with version 10 do not have access to this form), the range and source for the calculation columns are the range and source defined for the first and second columns of the report. The initial value for Current Period is the current period as defined on the Accounting Periods form for the specified fiscal year. If a second column is not defined, the range will be "Period" and the source will be "Budget."

You can adjust what displays in the calculation columns:

  1. Open the Financial Statement Preview form.
  2. Click the filter button.
  3. Change the source (ledger, plan, or budget), range (period or year), fiscal year, or period for column 1 or column 2.
  4. Click the filter button again.

For rows where the Type is Account, you can drill down to more detail by selecting the row and clicking Summary by Account.