Fixed Rate

Note:  This field applies only to non-domestic customers or vendors.

On the Customer Currency Codes, Vendor Currency Codes, Customers, and Vendors forms, select this check box if the currency should be a fixed rate by default when selected for a transaction. This check box is disabled if the Currency field is set to the domestic currency.

On the A/P Posted Transactions Detail, A/R Posted Transactions Detail, Generate A/P Transactions, and Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos G/L Distributions forms, this check box is selected if the current transaction uses a fixed rate. This check box is not selected if the current transaction does not use a fixed rate.

On the Generate A/P Transactions form, if any purchase order referred to in the vendor's invoice has a fixed rate, that rate determines what purchase orders can be included in the voucher. Only purchase order lines with the same fixed exchange rate can be included in the voucher. The activity selects such lines when it creates pending material distribution lines on the PO Selection tab. A voucher can include multiple variable-rate purchase orders.

On the Voucher Builder form, the Fixed Rate field in the header displays the fixed rate value from the first selected PO in the grid that is yet to be vouchered. Only POs with the same fixed rate setting can be selected in the grid.

On the Purchase Order Receiving Auto Voucher form, the fixed rate value of the purchase order being received and auto vouchered displays and is read-only.

On the Manual Voucher Builder form, select this check box if you want to use a fixed rate. Do not select this check box if you do not want to use a fixed rate. Selecting this check box will fix the rate for the life of the document. This check box is disabled if the currency is Part of Euro.