Exchange Rate

On the Vendor Currency Codes and Vendors forms, this field is for the amount to be used for the fixed exchange rate, or as a default rate to be used on purchase orders, manual vouchers, and other supported transactions for the currency. If you select Fixed Rate, the current exchange rate is added automatically. Exchange Rate is set to 1 if Currency is the domestic currency.

On the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments and Voucher Pre-register forms, if currency exchange rates overrides are allowed for the selected currency, you can enter an exchange rate for a non-domestic currency voucher transaction.

For existing non-domestic currency vouchers where the Posted from PO check box is selected, if you change the invoice date, the exchange rate will remain the same. For existing non-domestic currency vouchers where the Posted from PO check box is not selected, if you change the invoice date, the exchange rate will change to the exchange rate found in the currency rate associated with the new invoice date.

On the Manual Voucher Builder form, enter the exchange rate only for a non-domestic currency transaction. This field is disabled if the currency is Part of Euro. If you change the invoice date, the exchange rate will change to the exchange rate found in the currency rate associated with the new invoice date.

On the A/P Posted Transactions Detail and Voucher Adjustment Distribution forms, the exchange rate for a non-domestic currency transaction is displayed.

On the Voucher Pre-register Distributions form, the exchange rate from the Voucher Pre-register form is displayed.