Due Date

When you add a voucher, the due date of the invoice is calculated for you, based on the invoice date and due days or prox day.

On the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form, the due date is calculated for you, but you can change it to the date that the transaction is due.

Note:  If the selected customer is using revision/pay days, the due date is calculated based on the revision day rather than the invoice date. Once the invoice is approved, the due date is recalculated based on the customer's pay day.
Note:  If the selected customer is using a terms code with multiple due dates, this field is left blank. You can see the list of due dates and payments by clicking Multiple Due Dates. See About Multiple Due Dates for Invoices and Debit Memos for more information.

On the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos G/L Distributions form, this field displays the due date from the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form.