Vendor/Domestic Amount Paid

Note:  The Amount Paid and Disc Taken values display in the vendor's currency, while the Domestic Amount Paid and Domestic Disc Taken values display in the domestic currency. The Vendor Amount Paid and Vendor Disc Taken values are translated to the domestic currency, using the buying exchange rate that is in effect on the check date or the wire date.

On the A/P Payment Distributions form, enter the amount to apply to this payment. Note that this field is available only if you are distributing a standard check or a standard draft.

If the vendor's currency is not the same as the domestic currency, note the following:

  • If the bank code currency for the payment (from the A/P Payments form) is the same as the vendor's currency, enter the payment amount in the Vendor Amount Paid field. The Domestic Amount Paid field is display only.
  • If the bank code currency for the payment (from the A/P Payments form) is the same as the domestic currency, enter the payment amount in the Domestic Amount Paid field. The Vendor Amount Paid field is display only.

On the A/P Payments form, the payment amount displays.