About Consumption Tax Reporting

Use the Consumption Tax Report to report consumption tax data according to posted activity during a specified fiscal period. You can then use information from the report to fill out your Consumption Tax (CT) returns.

With the Consumption Tax, companies are taxed on the supplies they purchase, and taxes are withheld on goods the companies sell. Companies must periodically pay the difference between the CT paid on supplies and the CT charged on goods or services.

The frequency of filing Consumption Tax returns depends on your turnover. The tax return lists all of your company's transactions related to the supply of relevant goods or services. Any tax due must be paid simultaneously with the filing of the tax return. In the case of a tax credit, where the CT incurred by the company exceeds the CT charged on its sales and services in the reporting period, documentary proof related to the transactions is often requested.

Consumption Tax is recognized upon invoicing for both goods and services.

If the Japan Country Pack is licensed and enabled, the amount can be computed on either the invoice header or on the invoice lines. In large companies, where the unit prices tend to be large, they may prefer line-level tax calculations. In smaller companies, where the unit prices tend to be smaller, they may prefer header-level tax calculations. You set this preference on the Customers form.

If the Japan Country Pack is licensed and enabled, the calculated tax amount can be rounded off (for example, 4.4 becomes 4.0 and 4.5 becomes 5.0) or it can be rounded up (for example, 4.4 becomes 5.0). The rounding rule must be agreed upon by the customers and vendors and is also set on the Customers form.

The Consumption Tax has three components:

  • Input tax on vendor vouchered amounts
  • Output tax on customer invoiced amounts
  • Automatic tax entries

You must set up separate A/R and A/P tax accounts to record the amounts for these components.

Example ledger transactions created for sales, purchasing, and the manual journal entries could look as follows:

Ledger Transaction Account Amount
Manual Entry 30000 1000
Manual Entry 15000 50
Manual Entry 30000 500
Invoice 40000 2000
Invoice 20200 100
Invoice 40000 350
Voucher 50000 500
Voucher 50100 50
Voucher 50000 2500

The tax records in the various tables that correspond to these ledger records would be:

Table Tax Account Tax Tax Basis Tax Code Tax Rate
Japan Journal Tax Table 15000 50 1000 OH 5
Japan Journal Tax Table 15000 0 500 NT 0
Invoice Sales Tax Table 20200 100 2000 OH 5
Invoice Sales Tax Table 20200 0 350 NT 0
Voucher Sales Tax Table 50100 50 500 US 10
Voucher Sales Tax Table 50100 0 2500 NT 0

For the Consumption Tax Report, you create records in the Consumption Tax Report Account Setup form for accounts 30000, 40000, and 50000, and give them a description to describe what kind of transactions they represent. The report generated would show:

Account Description Total Amount Non-Taxable Amount Taxable Amount Tax Amount
30000 Travel 1550 500 1000 50
40000 Sales 2450 350 2000 100
50000 Purchases 3050 2500 500 50

If the Japan Country Pack is licensed and enabled, then for these same transactions, the Tax Control Report would show:

Tax Code: OH Description: Ohio   Type: Rate Rate: 5
Account Description Date Tax Basis> Tax Amount
15000 Travel Tax 11/12/13 1000 50
20200 Sales Tax Payable 11/5/13 2000 100
Tax Code: US Description:United States   Type: Rate Rate: 10
Account Description Date Tax Basis Tax Amount
50100 Sales Tax Expense 11/13/13 2000 100
Tax Code: NT Description:Non-Taxable   Type: Exempt Rate: 0
Account Description Date Tax Basis Tax Amount
15000 Travel Tax 11/12/13 500 0
20200 Sales Tax Payable 11/1/13 350 0
50100 Sales Tax Expense 11/4/13 2500 0