Generating Landed Cost Vouchers

After you receive your purchase order, you can voucher your landed costs (duty, freight, brokerage, insurance, and local freight).

  1. Open the Generate Landed Cost Vouchers form.
  2. Select the vendor number and any other pertinent information in the form's header.
  3. Click the filter-in-place button to display in the Receipts tab a list of all receipts that meet your criteria.
  4. click Select All to select all displayed receipts, or use the Select check box to select one or more individual receipts.

    Optionally, to ensure that you are selecting the correct line items and view the selected line item's details, you can click Detail to opens the appropriate purchase order line/release form.

    If you select multiple records, they must all have the same exchange rate.

  5. To allocate any landed costs you entered in the header across all selected PO receipt records, click Cost Allocation.

    This determines the ratio of each individual domestic landed cost to the total domestic landed cost and then applies that ratio to the foreign translated amount. If the foreign translated amount column sum is not equal to the total of the duty, freight, brokerage, insurance, and local freight amounts in the header, the system generates a warning.

    When you generate a landed cost voucher from a purchase order that has a fixed exchange rate (the Fixed Rate field is selected on the Purchase Orders form Amounts tab), and the Landed Cost currency is the same as the PO currency, the system uses the purchase order's exchange rate instead of the current rate. If the Landed Cost currency is different from the PO currency, you cannot specify a fixed rate. The currency rate is then set to the Buying Exchange Rate for the vendor currency code (where the vendor currency code is either the currency of the Landed Cost vendor (for freight, duty, etc.) or, if a Landed Cost vendor is not specified, the PO vendor currency) and where the Effective Date is the most recent date earlier than the transaction date

    After you allocate costs, you can still change the landed cost on individual landed cost PO receipt lines before you post.

  6. Optionally, use the Taxes tab to generate and modify the tax distributions. Tax distributions should be specified after all landed cost records have been selected.
    • The Taxes tab is enabled when the Active for Purchasing check box is selected on the Tax Systems form for at least one tax system. If the Taxes tab is enabled, you can enter tax amount(s) from the vendor's invoice, or other amounts as required, in the Sales Tax field(s) on the header.
    • The label for the Sales Tax field is user-defined.
    • For area-based taxes, to calculate the sales tax for each selected voucher line on the Receipts tab and create a pending tax transaction line, on the Taxes tab, click Generate Tax. The activity displays the total of the line amounts in the Sales Tax field(s) on the Taxes tab and provides the option of copying the sum(s) to the header.

      To add a tax amount that was not created in the generation process, create a new tax transaction line.

    • Tax distributions for an item-based tax system, where no area-based system is defined, should be entered manually. If you enter the tax distribution manually, do not click the Generate Tax button.
  7. To generate the voucher for the selected receipts, click Generate Voucher. When this process complete, the system displays a message showing the number of vouchers created successfully.

    After you generate the voucher, the system updates the actual landed cost amounts to the respective POs in order by type.

    When you run the Generate Landed Cost Vouchers activity for POs, variances are written to the PO Distribution Journal:

    • For non-inventory items, the variances are calculated between the vouchered amount and the PO line item amount.
    • For inventory items, the variances are calculated between the vouchered amount and received amount.
    Note:  After you generate landed cost vouchers, you cannot update them in A/P.
  8. Post the landed cost vouchers just as you would post vouchers for material.
  9. Optionally, run the Landed Cost Variance Report.