ABAFILE EFT Output Format

For full details of the ABAFILE format, contact the Australian Bankers Association. The following tables show field size and justification.

ANZ,NAB, and WBC all use the standard ABA file format. These banks use transaction code 50 or 13 depending on if the payment is a debit or credit.


Standard Record Type 0

Name Starting Position Length Value or Notes
Record Type 0 1 1 0
Blank 2 17 Must be blank-filled
Reel Sequence Number 19 2 01
User Financial Institution 21 3 bank_addr_mst.bank_code

Must be an approved financial institution abbreviation

Blank 24 7 Must be blank-filled
User preferred name of user supplying file 31 26 apparms_mst.EFT_user_name

Must not be all blanks

User Identification Number of user supplying file 57 6 apparms_mst.EFT_user_number

Must be User Identification Number assigned by APCA and User Financial Institutions. Must be numeric. Right justified. Zero filled

Description of file contents 63 12 "VENDOR PMT"
Date to be processed 75 6 Today()

The date when transactions are released to all financial institutions

Blank 81 40 Must be blank-filled.

Standard Record Type 1

Name Starting Position Length Value or Notes
Record Type 1 1 1 1
BSB Number 2 7 vendor_mst.EFT_bank_num

Format ###-###

Account number 9 9 vendor_mst.account
Indicator 18 1 blank
Transaction Code 19 2 13 or 50
Amount 21 10 glbank_mst.check_amt
Title of Account 31 32 parms_mst.company
Reference 63 18 glbank_mst.ref_num+'-'+glbank_mst.check_num
BSB Number 81 7 bank_addr_mst.bank_number

Format ###-###

AccountNumber 88 9 bank_hdr_mst.branch_code
Name of Remitter 97 16 parms_mst.company
Amount of withholding Tax 113 8 00000000

ABAFILE (HSBC, Bankwest)

These banks use the records above, but in addition to those standard records, they request one last record of Type 1 (Transaction Code = 13) that totals all the payments into one credit record with the format shown here:

Name Starting Position Length Value or Notes
Record Type 1 1 1 1
BSB Number 2 7 bank_addr_mst.bank_number

Format ###-###

Account number 9 9 bank_hdr_mst.branch_code
Indicator 18 1 blank
Transaction Code 19 2 13
Amount 21 10 dbl_NegativeAmtTotal
Title of Account 31 32 parms_mst.company
Reference 63 18 "Creditor Payments"
BSB Number 81 7 bank_addr_mst.bank_number

Format ###-###

AccountNumber 88 9 bank_hdr_mst.branch_code
Name of Remitter 97 16 parms_mst.company
Amount of withholding Tax 113 8 00000000


This bank uses the standard formats shows above, but it requires two records for each transaction (Transaction Code = 50 followed by this one with Transaction Code = 13):

Name Starting Position Length Value or Notes
Record Type 1 1 1 1
BSB Number 2 7 bank_addr_mst.bank_number

Format ###-###

Account number 9 9 bank_hdr_mst.branch_code
Indicator 18 1 blank
Transaction Code 19 2 13
Amount 21 10 DomCheckAmt
Title of Account 31 32 parms_mst.company
Reference 63 18 "Payment"
BSB Number 81 7 bank_addr_mst.bank_number

Format ###-###

AccountNumber 88 9 bank_hdr_mst.branch_code
Name of Remitter 97 16 parms_mst.company
Amount of withholding Tax 113 8 00000000