Inbound BODs to the ERP from integrated applications

This table shows the BODs that can be received and processed by SyteLine. Where the application is blank, the BOD is not currently used by integrating applications.

Verb Noun From applications
Load BankStatement Infor Localization Services
Process BillToPartyMaster CRM
Sync CaptureDocument Document Management
Sync CodeDefinition Global HR
Process ContactMaster CRM
Process CustomerPartyMaster CRM
Sync EmployeeTimesheet Expense Management
Sync EmployeeWorkSchedule Global HR
Sync ExpenseReport Expense Management
Sync InventoryAdjustment WMS Warehouse Management
Sync InventoryCount WMS Warehouse Management
Sync Personnel Global HR
Acknowledge PulseAlert Infor Ming.le
Process Quote CRM


Sync ReceiveDelivery WMS Warehouse Management
Process Requisition EAM
Process SalesOrder CPQ/EQ


Rhythm Commerce

Sync SecurityUserMaster Infor Ming.le
Acknowledge Shipment WMS Warehouse Management
Sync Shipment WMS Warehouse Management
Process ShipToPartyMaster CPQ/EQ


Load SupplierInvoice Infor Localization Services