About Form Only forms

Form Only forms are specialized forms designed to display without the the typical Mongoose framework: Explorer, toolbar, menus, and so on. While many of these forms are designed for mobile device use, they need not be. Form Only forms, rather, are typically designed for "consumer UI" applications; that is, applications designed with a sleeker, more consumer-oriented look-and-feel.

Because they typically do not include the standard Mongoose navigational and operational elements, Form Only forms must compensate in other ways. By default, when you create a form with the New Form Wizard specifically as a "Form Only" form, the wizard automatically creates several navigational and operational buttons:

  • New - Allows the user to create a new record for the associated IDO collection.
  • Save - Allows the user to save a new or modified record.
  • Delete - Allows the user to delete a selected record.
  • Refresh - Allows the user to refresh the current IDO collection without having to close and reopen the form.
  • First - Navigates the user to the first record in the collection.
  • Previous - Navigates the user to the record that immediately precedes the current record.
  • Next - Navigates the user to the record that immediately follows the current record.
  • Last - Navigates the user to the last record in the collection.
  • Close - Prompts the user to save any unsaved work and then closes the form.
Note: Most of the keyboard shortcuts used in a typical form (such as F4 to execute Filter-in-Place) and standard events (such as Open, Save, and Apply Saved Filter) also work with the Form Only form.

Although these buttons (and their associated form events and handlers) are created automatically by the New Form Wizard, you are not obligated to keep or use them; and you can also create other navigational or operational components of your own, as need dictates.