Message Number

Specify a unique message identifier to assign to an application database message. For predefined or existing messages, this field is display-only.

When you add a message, if you leave this field blank, the message number is built automatically. The number uses a message number prefix, if one is defined on the System Parameters or General Parameters form, followed by an auto-numbered integer. If a message number prefix is not defined, this field defaults to the first available auto-number (integer).

You can override this feature by specifying an identifier in this field. If you override the automatic numbering, the value in this column must be an alphanumeric value of 30 characters or less. We recommend that you use a format similar to this:


However, we recommend that you use a message number prefix for your group or application and use the auto-number feature. This lets you immediately identify the message as one that belongs to your group or application, and ensures that the number is unique. For more information, see About Application Message Construction.

Messages that were originally created for use with Mongoose forms use the prefix "MG_".

Messages that were originally created for use with ERP forms use the prefix "SL_".