About Lists in Fields

There are two types of lists:

  • Business data lists display information added to the database by system users using data-input forms.
  • Option lists display a fixed set of options, for example the three statement cycle options Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly. Option lists are built in to the application, rather than being created and stored in the database. You cannot usually change the options in these lists, and they usually have fewer than ten items.

The rest of the information in this section applies only to business data lists.

Filtering Lists

You can filter to reduce the number of items returned and displayed in a business data list.

Right-click Context Menus

Right-clicking a business data list field brings up a context menu that usually presents the Add, Details, Find, and Help commands. These commands, along with other features for using business-data lists, are basic aids to finding and entering information in the system.

Refreshing Lists

While you are viewing a form containing a business data list, you or another user might edit the records in the original form from which the list is derived. Any new or removed records are not reflected in the list, unless you refresh it.

To refresh the list, perform one of these actions:

  • With the cursor in the list field, press F2.
  • Type one wildcard character (usually *) in the list field, and then click the drop-down arrow.