Adding or Editing Validators for a Property or Class
You can add, edit, or change the order of validators for a property or property class.
To access the
Edit Validators form, click the ellipses (...)
button to the right of the
Validators field in either
IDO Properties form or the
Property Classes form.
Note: Any validators you define here are executed by the IDO Runtime service during a collection save operation. These validators are also inherited by any component on a form that is bound to this property or to a property derived from that class.
- On the main page of the form, click Add to add a validator.
On the
Select Validator Type page, use the option
buttons to select the type of validator to add:
- In Inline List
- In IDO Collection
- IDO Method
- Click Next. The page you go to is determined by your choice on this page.
Set Properties From Inline List page displays in
these cases:
- You select In Inline List on the Select Validator Type page and then click Next.
- You select an In Inline List validator on the main page and then click Edit.
Use this page to select additional properties to be set from the inline list on a successful validation. On this page, use the grid to specify:
- The property to be updated if validation is successful (Property Name)
- The column from the inline list from which the value is to be taken (Inline List Column)
You can also optionally specify an error message to display if the validation fails.
In Collection Validator page displays in these
- You select In IDO Collection on the Select Validator Type page and then click Next.
- You select an In Collection validator on the main page and then click Edit.
Use this page to select the IDO and IDO property that are to be set on a successful validation. On this page, use the grid to specify:
- The target property; that is, the property for which the new value is to be assigned if the validation is successful
- The source property; that is, the property to be evaluated during the validation activity
You can also optionally set a filter and any additional properties to be set if the validation is successful.
Finally, you can also specify an error message to display if the validation fails.
IDO Method Validator page displays in these
- You select IDO Method on the Select Validator Type page and then click Next.
- You select an IDO Method validator on the main page and then click Edit.
Use this page to specify the IDO and method that are to be used to validate the property value. Specify any parameters that the method requires in the grid. These parameters can be:
- Input only, both input and output, or message values (Type)
- Either property values or literal values (Source)
The validator then evaluates the Value at run time. If the Source specifies a property value, then the Value is treated as a property value. if the Source specifies a literal value, then the Value is treated as a literal value.
Finally, you can also specify an error message to display if the validation fails.
On the main page, to edit a selected validator, click
When there are multiple validators, you can rearrange the order in which they validate using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
- To close this form and return any validator definitions to the parent form, click OK.
- Understanding Properties
- About validators