Designating forms and objects for pseudo code generation
To designate multiple forms and objects for pseudo code generation, use these techniques:
- To generate pseudo code for all the
forms or objects in a folder, use the wildcard symbol (%) by itself after the name of the scope folder in the Objects field.
For example, to generate pseudo code for all forms of scope type Group, you must add \% after the Group folder name, as in this example:
- Use the percent sign (%) as a
wildcard to represent zero (0) or more characters.
For example, if you enter n%, this utility generates pseudo code for all forms/objects that have names beginning with the letter "n". If you enter %codes%, this utility generates pseudo code for all forms/objects that contain the string "codes".
- Use a hyphen between two single
letters to represent a set of objects whose names begin with that range of letters.
For example, to generate pseudo code for all objects that begin with the letters "w", "x", "y", and "z", you would enter w-z.
- You can use multiple search criteria
when generating pseudo code. Use commas to delimit code generation criteria.
For example, you can search for forms/objects that combine all the search criteria presented so far—that is, that begin with the letter "n", that contain the string "codes", and that begin with the letters "w", "x", "y", and "z"—by adding all three of these search criteria to the Object field string like this: