Setting Up Critical Numbers – General Tab

To define the basic specifications of the critical number:

  1. Open the Critical Numbers Setup form.
  2. In the General > Source section, specify this information:
    Source Type
    Select the source type:
    • IDO Collection
    • IDO Method
    • Stored Procedure

    When IDO Method is selected, the Property Name field on the Input Parameters tab is disabled.

    Source Name
    Specify the source name.
    Select the name of the IDO method.
    Note: This field is only displayed when the source type is IDO Method.

    The critical numbers are loaded by Standard Method. This method only returns one output parameter.

  3. In the Calculation Definition field, specify how the critical number is calculated.

    This field is helpful for users who did not create the critical number, and want an explanation of the calculation.

  4. In the Alert section, specify this information:
    Use Alert
    Select this option to define an alert value for the critical number.
    Alert Operator
    Select an operator to compare the alert value and actual value.
    Alert Value
    Specify a value to compare to the actual value of the property at the time the data is queried.
  5. In the Goal section, specify this information:
    Use Goal
    Select this option to define a goal value for the critical number.
    Goal Operator
    Select an operator to compare the goal value and the actual value.
    Goal Value
    Specify a value to compare to the actual value of the property.
  6. Click Save.