Unsupported Features in Web Client for Optional Modules

These features are not supported in the web client:


These forms cannot be used in the web client:

  • S&OP Workbench
  • S&OP Margin Analysis


The Forecast Sales Analysis form cannot be used in the web client.

Workbench Suite

There are a handful of notable differences regarding Workbench Suite behavior when comparing the Web Client to the Smart Client. Critical Number Gauges behave the same in the Web Client as they do on the Smart Client with the exception of right-click display settings support and the thermometer style gauge. While you can drill down into the details of a critical number (assuming it is configured to do so), drilling into the maintenance form from the critical number details (with filtering to a selected record) is not supported in the web client.

This table shows the reduction in DataView Results Grid features:

Dataview features Smart client Web client
Data Grouping X X
Column Summaries X X
Simple Filtering X X
Quick Refresh X X
Quick Setup X X
Layout Selection X X
Right-click Drill-in Details X X
Column Management (Scroll Lock, Arrangement, Selection) X X
Custom Calculated Column Setup & Access X
Advanced (Excel Style) Filtering X X
Layout Maintenance X
Results Printing X
“Send To” Functionality (PDF and Excel) X X
Styles X

Over time it is expected that the difference between the two means of access will decrease as the Web Client is enhanced to support more advanced features.