Deleting custom objects

You can use FormSync to selectively delete custom forms or global objects from a forms database.

We strongly recommend that you back up the forms database in the Source configuration before you delete custom objects.

To delete custom objects:

  1. If you have not already done so, open the Configurations page and specify the Source configuration from which you want to delete custom objects.
    Note:  you can delete custom objects from the Forms database in the Source configuration only.
  2. Access the FormSync Utilities page:
    • In the form version, click Utilities on the main page.
    • In the stand-alone version, click the Utilities icon on the Toolbar.
  3. Set filter criteria to retrieve the custom objects that you want to list.
  4. Click Refresh List.
  5. In the Custom Objects grid, select the Delete check box for each object that you want to delete.

    The Include check box is selected for each object by default. Clear the check box for any object that you do not want to delete.

  6. Select the Delete tab.
  7. Click the Delete button.