Performing configuration tasks in a command line
These utilities are available from the command line:
Utility | Description |
InforDBCL.exe | This utility contains all configuration tasks that involves databases. The
available commands are:
InforWebCL.exe | This utility contains all configuration tasks associated with IIS and clients.
The available commands are:
InforServiceCL.exe | This utility contains the configuration tasks dealing with Windows services and
replication. The available commands are:
InforDbCL.exe CreateDb
Use this command to create a new database, for example:
infordbcl.exe createdb -databasename:CmdApp
-username:sa -password:test123 -servername:win2012 -dbtype:App -product:SL
infordbcl.exe createdb -databasename:CloudApp -username:sa -password:test123
-servername:win2012 -dbtype:App -product:SL -clouddb
infordbcl.exe createdb -databasename:Mongoose_Forms -username:sa -password:test123
-servername:win2012 -dbtype:Forms -product:Mongoose
The available commands with some examples are:
- -databasename: SQL database name
- -dbtype: Database type, such as App, Objects, Forms, and Templates. This command is required unless -allinonedb is used.
- [-allinonedb]: This value is used to create an all-in-one database, where application, forms, objects, and template objects all reside in the same database.
- [-collation]: SQL collation to be used for the database
- [-clouddb]: DB status, which indicates whether DB is already created or must be populated
- [-dbspec]: DBSpecs.xml type name of the database to be created, for example, ApplicationDbDemo or ApplicationDb
- [-dbsubtype]: App database subtype,
for example:
- Initialized: The default value, if app database subtype is
not given. This value only applies to
databases. - Empty: This value is used for migrations from Progress to SQL, or for an application database schema with no data. This value is non-functional until key data is provided.
- Demo: This value is for a database, where dummy demo data is provided.
- Initialized: The default value, if app database subtype is
not given. This value only applies to
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-password]: SQL server password. This value is not required for Windows authentication.
- [-product]: Mongoose product, which corresponds to the registry key, for example, Mongoose or SL
- [-scripteddb]: This command is used when cloud db is a scripted one, and not restored from old image.
- [-servername]: SQL server name
- [-setonpremnocount]: Sets NOCOUNT for SQL instance. The value is either True or False.
- [-siteid]: App database site ID
- [-sitename]: App database site name
- [-sitedesc]: App database site description
- [-sitegroup]: App database site group
- [-sitecurrency]: App database site currency or SQL server currency code
- [-sitetype]: App database site type, such as, S and E. The default value is S, if not given.
- [-sqlservertimezone]: SQL Server timezone in standard name
- [-timezone]: App database timezone in standard name
- [-username]: SQL server user name
InfordDbCL.exe LinkMultiSite
Use this command to link multi-site databases, for example:
infordbcl.exe linkmultisite -databasename:"Mongoose1_App" -username:sa
-password:test123 -servername:win2012 -siteid:1 -sitedesc:"This is site 1" -sitetype:S
-sitename:"Alpha Site" -groupname:Test -databasename2:"Mongoose2_App" -username2:sa
-password2:test123 -siteid2:2 -sitetype2:S -sitedesc2:"This is site 2"
-servername2:"win2012" -sitename2:"Beta Site"
The available commands with some examples are:
- -databasename: SQL database A name
- -siteid: Database A site ID
- [-sitename]: Database A site name , which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing A site name.
- [-sitedesc]: Database A site description, which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing description.
- [-sitetype]: Database A site type, such as S and E, which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing type.
- [-password]: SQL database A password. This value is not required for Windows authentication.
- [-servername]: SQL database A server name or local machine name
- [-username]: SQL database A user name or Windows authentication
- [-groupname]: Multi-site group name
- -databasename2: SQL database B name
- -siteid2: Database B site ID
- [-sitename2]: Database B site name, which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing B site name.
- [-sitedesc2]: Database B site description, which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing description.
- [-sitetype2]: Database B site type, such as S and E, which is read from source database. This value is provided to overwrite existing type.
- [-password2]: SQL database B password. This value is not required for Windows authentication.
- [-servername2]: SQL database B server name or local machine name
- [-username2]: SQL database B user name or Windows authentication
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
InforDBCL.exe LoadTrans
Use this command to load either SQL files or BCP files for the translated data, for example:
infordbcl.exe loadtrans -config:MyConfig
-trans:es-mx -winstudiodir:”C:\Program Files\Infor\Mongoose”
The available commands with some examples are:
- -config: Mongoose configuration, which contains the App database and Forms database information
- -trans: Translation to apply, which corresponds to the locale subfolder, for example, zh-CN and es-MX
- -winstudiodir: WinStudio folder, where language packs are stored
InforDBCL.exe RemoveTrans
Use this command to remove both application messages and vendor level translated strings for the language, for example:
Infordbcl.exe removetrans -config:MyConfig
The available commands with some examples are:
- -config: Mongoose configuration, which contains the App database and Forms database information
- -trans: Translation to apply, which corresponds to the locale subfolder, for example, zh-CN and es-MX
InforDbCL.exe ApplyPack
Use this command to apply either an Industry Pack or a Localization to a set of database, for example:
infordbcl.exe applypack -config:SL9 -pack:automotive
The available commands with some examples are:
- -pack: Industry Pack or Localization to apply , which corresponds to the local subfolder, for example, automotive and CN00
- -config: Mongoose configuration, which contains the App database and Forms database information
- [-reportserverurl]: Full URL to report server, if empty reports will not be loaded
- [-reportparentfolder]: Report server parent folder, if empty reports will not be loaded
- [-reportdir]: Local reports folder to upload, which defaults to [WinStudioDir]\Report\Reports if not given
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-alwayson]: This command is used to establish a SQL connection to a AlwaysOn Availability Group.
- [-product]: Mongoose product, which corresponds to the install subfolder, for example, Mongoose or SL
InforDbCL.exe AddSite
infordbcl.exe addsite -databasename:SyteLine_AppDemo -product:SL -siteid:Site9
-username:sa -password:test123
The available commands with some examples are:
- -databasename: SQL database name
- [-alwayson]: This command is used to establish a SQL connection to a AlwaysOn Availability Group.
- [-deletedata]: This command is used to delete all existing data in the
existing database.Caution:Be careful in using this command.
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-password]: SQL server password
- [-product]: Mongoose product, which corresponds to the registry key, for example, Mongoose or SL
- [-siteid]: App database site ID
- [-sitename]: App database site name
- [-sitedesc]: App database site description
- [-sitegroup]: App database site group
- [-sitecurrency]: App database site currency
- [-sitetype]: App database site type, such as, S and E
- [-servername]: SQL server name or local machine name
- [-sqlservertimezone]: SQL Server timezone
- [-timezone]: App database timezone
- [-username]: SQL server user name
InforDbCL.exe CopySite
infordbcl.exe copysite -sourcedatabasename:MongooseDev -product:Mongoose
-sourcesiteid:Foo -targetdatabasename:MongooseProd -alwayson
infordbcl.exe copysite -sourcedatabasename:MongooseDev -product:Mongoose
-sourcesiteid:Foo -targetdatabasename:MongooseProd -bcptimeout:40000
infordbcl.exe copysite -sourcedatabasename:MongooseDev -product:Mongoose
-sourcesiteid:Foo -sourceusername:sa -sourcepassword:test123 -sourceservername:win2016\sql
infordbcl.exe copysite –sourcedatabasename:SourceDB –product:Mongoose
–sourcesiteid:DEFAULT –targetdatabasename:TargetDB –start:Users –end:AES
The available commands with some examples are:
- -sourcedatabasename: SQL database name, which contains existing site to be copied
- -sourcesiteid: App database site ID to be copied
- -targetdatabasename: SQL database name, where the site will be copied
- [-alwayson]: This command is used to establish a SQL connection to a AlwaysOn Availability Group.
- [-analyzeonly]: This command is used to run through the copy site process to analyze for potential problems. No copying actually take place in this mode.
- [-bcptimeout]: BCP file load timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 15000, but this is dynamically adjusted for large files.
- [-bcpexporttimeout]: BCP export timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 15000, but this is dynamically adjusted for large tables.
- [-deletedata]: This command is used to delete all existing data in the
target database. Caution:Be careful in using this command.
- [-end]: stage, where to end execution, for example, AES
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-product]: Mongoose product, which corresponds to the registry key, for example, Mongoose or SL
- [-sourceusername]: SQL server user name
- [-sourcepassword]: SQL server password
- [-sourceservername]: SQL server name, which contains the source database
- [-sqlservertimezone]: SQL server timezone in standard name
- [-start]: stage, where to begin execution, for example, Users
- [-targetusername]: SQL server user name
- [-targetpassword]: SQL server password
- [-targetservername]: SQL server name containing the target database
InforDbCL.exe CreateConfig
Use this command to create a new configuration, for example:
infordbcl.exe createconfig -name:MongooseDev
-product:Mongoose -db:Mongoose_All
infordbcl.exe createconfig -name:MongooseDev
-product:Mongoose -db:MG_All -host:win2012r2\sql -user:sa -password:test123
infordbcl.exe createconfig -name:MongooseDev
-product:Mongoose -db:Mongoose_All
infordbcl.exe createconfig -name:MongooseDev
-product:Mongoose -appdb:MG_App -formsdb:MG_Forms -objectsdb:MG_Objects
-templatesdb:MG_Templates -host:win2012r2 -user:sa -password:test123
infordbcl.exe createconfig -name:CSIConfig
-db:CSI_AllinOne -host:win2016
infordbcl.exe createconfig
-name:MongooseDev-product:Mongoose -db:Mongoose_All
The available commands are:
- -name: Name of the configuration to make
- -db: Name of database if all-in-one. To set separate database names, use the individual commands.
- [-appdb]: Application database name
- -[apppassword]: The application database user's password.
- [-apphost]: Application database server name or SQL instance name
- [-appuser]: Application database user
- [-application]: Configuration application. If left blank, the default value is <default>.
- [-archivehost]: Archive database server or SQL instance name, which defaults to empty string
- [-archiveinstance]: Same as -archivehost
- [-archivemisc]: MiscInfo for archive database
- [-archivetemplatesdb]: Archive templates database
- [-archiveuser]: Archive forms database user
- [-archivepassword]: Archive forms database password
- [-encryptionkey]: Configuration encryption key for
encrypted data columns.Note: Ensure that this key is backed up in a secure location.
- [-eventservice]: This command is used to add the newly created configuration to the event service. The default value is True.
- [-formsdb]: Forms database name
- [-formshost]: Forms database or SQL instance name. The default value is the machine name if left blank.
- [-formspassword]: Forms database user's password
- [-formsuser]: Forms database user
- [-idopartialtrust]: This command is used to set IDO Extension Class partial trust. The default value is True.
- [-host]: Server name or SQL instance name, where all of the databases are located.
- [-masterdb]: Master forms database
- [-masteruser]: Master forms user
- [-masterpassword]: Master forms user password
- [-masterhost]: Master forms server or SQL instance, which defaults to empty string
- [-masterinstance]: Same as -masterhost
- [-mastermisc]: MiscInfo for master forms database
- [-mastertemplatesdb]: Templates database for master forms
- [-miscinfo]: Text for MiscInfo fields
- [-objectsdb]: Objects database name
- [-objectsshost]: Objects database server or SQL instance name. The default value is the machine name if left blank.
- [-objectspassword]: Objects database user's password
- [-objectsuser]: Objects database user
- [-password]: Users's password. This command is required if SQL authentication is used in the configuration.
- [-product]: Mongoose product, for example, Mongoose. This command is required if there are no GlobalSettings.xml is used.
- [-site]: Configuration site. The default value is default when left blank.
- [-taskman]: This command is used to add newly created configuration to TaskMan service. The default value is True.
- [-templatesdb]: Templates database name
- [-templateshost]: Templates database server name or SQL instance name. The default value is the machine name when left blank.
- [-templatespassword]: Templates database user's password
- [-templatesuser]: Templates database user
- [-user]: User with database access. If not provided, Windows user account will be used. A running IDO Run time Windows service is required for Windows users if set as an account with database permission.
- [-webclientpartialtrust]: This command is used to set web client partial trust. The default value is True.
InforDbCL.exe copyformsdata / InforDbCL.exe copyobjectsdata / InforDbCL.exe copytemplatesdata
Specify either a configuration name or database information for source and target. If a configuration name is given, all other parameters for that database are ignored. For example:
infordbcl.exe copyformsdata -sourceconfig:ConfigA -targetconfig:ConfigB
infordbcl.exe copyformsdata -sourceinstance:myserver\sql1 -sourcedb:DatabaseA
-sourceuser:sa -sourcepassword:test123 -sourcealwayson:false -targetinstance:myserver\sql2
-targetdb:DatabaseB -targetuser:user -targetpassword:testabcd -targetalwayson:true
The available commands with some examples are:
- [-sourceconfig]: Configuration name to copy from
- [-sourceinstance]: SQL server instance for source. If configuration is not given, the value defaults to machine name.
- [-sourcedb]: SQL database name for source, if configuration is not given.
- [-sourceuser]: SQL user for source, if configuration is not given, the value defaults to current Windows use).
- [-sourcepassword]: SQL server password for source, if configuration is not given.
- [-sourcealwayson]: This command is set to True, if SQL Server AlwaysOn availability groups are in use for source and if configuration is not given.
- [-targetconfig]: Configuration name to copy to.
- [-targetinstance]: SQL server instance for target. If configuration is not given, the value defaults to machine name.
- [-targetdb]: SQL database name for target, if configuration is not given.
- [-targetuser]: SQL user for target, if configuration is not given.
- [-targetpassword]: SQL password for target, if configuration is not given.
- [-targetalwayson]: This command is set to True, if SQL Server AlwaysOn availability groups are in use for target and if configuration is not given.
InforWebCL.exe WebClient
Use this command to configure the web client, for example:
inforwebcl.exe webclient -product:SL
inforwebcl.exe webclient -timeout:20
inforwebcl.exe webclient -product:Mongoose -auth:1
inforwebcl.exe webclient -product:Mongoose -auth:3 -appurl:https://win2012/wswebclient
inforwebcl.exe webclient -product:Mongoose -auth:3
The available commands with some examples are:
- [-allowfrom]: X-Frame-Options allow-from value as a full URL, for example, http://win2012r2/. This command is necessary if you want to embed the web client in a frame, such as Ming.le, which SAMEORIGIN is by default. This command uses SAMEORIGIN on empty string and accepts DENY string to deny all embedding.
- [-apppool]: Application pool for web client in IIS, which is ASP.NET v4.0 by default
- [-appurl]: Application URL
- [-auth]: Authentication type, which is an integer, where:
- 0 is built-in, which is the default value
- 1 is IIS
- 2 is ADFS
- 3 is PingFederate
- 4 is InforSIS
- [-csp]: Content-Security-Policy value
- [-customlog]: This command is provided if IIS logging is not at the default location and if -restricpermissions is used
- [-dir]: Virtual directory name for IIS, which is WSWebClient by default
- [-enablecsrf]: Flag for CSRF security, which is set as True or False.
- [-executiontimeout]: Execution timeout
- [-fedurl]: Federation service URL, for example, https://server/adfs/ls/
- [-fedxml]: Federation metadata XML location. This command is used with ADFS authentication only, for example, 'https://server/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
- [-handshake]: A single GUID or a comma delimited list of GUIDs
- [-idpfile]: Full path to the file, which is used for PingFederate authentication only
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-path]: Physical path for virtual directory, which is wwwroot\WSWebClient by default
- [-product]: Mongoose product, for example, Mongoose
- [-timeout]: Session state timeout value, which is 30 by default
- [-remoteido]: Flag for remote IDO, which is False by default
- [-remoteidourl]: URL to a remote config server
- [-restrictfiles]: Restrict allowed file types, which is False by default.
- [-restrictfilelist]: Comma separated list of whitelisted extensions, no spaces, include period, for example,.png,.js,.css,.jpg
- [-restrictpermissions]: This command uses least priviledge permissions by setting the IIS ApplicationIdentity account to have access to needed folders, instead of using LocalSystem
- [-ssl]: Required SSL for cookie authentication, which is True by default.
- [-stscert]: Federation certificate thumbprint, which is used for ADFS authentication only
- [-stsentityid]: Entity ID, which is used for Infor STS authentication only, for example,
- [-stsfedmetaurl]: Federation metadata location, for example,
- [-stsfedserviceurl]: Federation service URL, for example,
- [-trustserver]: Trust server URL, which is used for ADFS authentication only
- [-usexml]: Consult the ConfigWiz.xml file for <UseSSL>, <RestrictWebPermissions>, <RestrictFiles>, <RestrictFileList> settings. Values determined by command line arguments, which override XML settings and override defaults.
InforWebCL.exe SmartClient
Use this command to configure the smart client, for example:
inforwebcl.exe smartclient -product:SL
-appname:"CloudSuite Smart Client" -webserver:win2012 -root:SLClientDeploy
inforwebcl.exe smartclient -product:Mongoose
-appname:"Sweet Mongoose App" -webserver:win2012
The available commands with some examples are:
- -appname: Windows smart client name, for example, "Mongoose Smart Client"
- -webserver: ClickOnce host server name
- [-apppool]: Application pool for web client in IIS, which is ASP.NET v4.0 by default
- [-configserver]: Server name for remote IDO
- [-configserverdoc]: Configuration server file to use, which is ConfigServerURLs.XML by default
- [-configserverurl]: Full URL with protocol of the configuration server, which overrides -configserver value, if given. This command automatically sets -remoteido to True.
- [-configserverxml]: Custom XML to insert into the ConfigServerDoc. Standard .NET string replacements are done in this order: Protocol, Config Server Name, Remember Config Group value, PrefPathOverride value. This command defaults to standard ClickOnce xml content.
- [-customcertpassword]: Password for custom authentication code certificate
- [-customcertpath]: Path to a custom authentication code certificate to sign the smart client
- [-deploymanifest]: ClickOnce deployment manifest file name, otherwise {Product}.application is used.
- [-dir]: Virtual directory name for IIS, which is ClientDeploy by default
- [-icon]: Path to icon file, which is favicon.ico by default
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-product]: Mongoose product, for example, Mongoose
- [-protocol]: Communication protocol, which is http by default
- [-remconfig]: Remember configuration group value, which is an integer
- [-remoteido]: Flag for remote IDO, which is false by default
- [-root]: ClickOnce physical root folder relative to the WinStudio folder, which is ClientDeploy" by default
- [-site]: IIS site name, which is Default Web Site by default
- [-version]: Version number to use for the ClickOnce manifest of format x.x.x.x, for example,
InforWebCL.exe WebApp
Use this command to configure a web application, such as IDORequestService or InboundQueue, for example:
inforwebcl.exe webapp
inforwebcl.exe webapp -dir:IDORequestService -apppool:DefaultAppPool
inforwebcl.exe webapp -dir:IDORequestService -product:Mongoose
The available commands with some examples are:
- -dir: Virtual directory name for IIS, for example, IDORequestService
- -product: Mongoose Product, for example, Mongoose, unless using GlobalSettings.xml file
- [-allowfrom]: X-Frame-Options allow-from value as a full URL, for example, http://win2012r2/. This command is necessary if you want to embed the web app in a frame, such as Ming.le, which is SAMEORIGIN by default. You can also use DENY.
- [-apppool]: Application pool for web client in IIS, which is ASP.NET v4.0 by default
- [-csp]: Content-Security-Policy value, which is "frame-ancestors 'self';" by default.
- [-customlog]: Directory location for custom IIS log files or site default log location
- [-enableoauth]: This command is set to True to enable REST OAuth workstation logons.
- [-handshake]: A single GUID or a comma delimited list of GUIDs
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-oauthkey]: OAuth Consumer Key or Client ID value
- [-oauthsecret]: OAuth Consumer Secret value
- [-ocikey]: Encryption key value for OCI Web Server
- [-path]: Full physical path for virtual directory , which is wwwroot\-dir value is used by default
- [-reportservermemcache]: useReportServerMemoryCache value in the web.config file
- [-resthttps]: This command is used to set MG REST binding to https, which is True by default
- [-snapshotdelay]: FormAsImage service snapshot delay value, in seconds. Typical value is 10.
- [-site]: IS website, which is "Default Web Site" by default
- [-timeout]: FormAsImage service timeout value, in seconds. Typical value is 30.
- [-webclienturl]: FormAsImage service root web client URL, for example, http://win2012r2/wswebclient/
- [-serviceconfigserverurl]: This command is used to set HTTPS/HTTP binding for DataView reports and the Configuration Server URL in Service Configuration Manager.
InforWebCL.exe EndUser
Use this command to configure the end user client shortcut, for example, create a desktop shortcut to Mongoose:
inforwebcl.exe enduser
-configserver:http://win2012/idorequestservice/configserver.aspx -product:Mongoose
-shortcutname:"Infor Mongoose"
The available commands with some examples are:
- -configserver: Full config server URL
- -shortcutname: Name for the shortcut
- [-description]: Description for the shortcut
- [-icon]: Icon for the shortcut, which is InforDir\Product\ERP.ico by default
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
- [-product]: Mongoose product, for example, Mongoose
InforWebCL.exe PingFederate
inforwebcl.exe pingfederate -appname:MyApp -appdesc:"A great app"
The available commands with some examples are:
- -appname: Name for your application
- -appdesc: Short description of your application
- -entityurl: URL to the web client, which requires https and port, for example, https://myserver:44300/WSWebClient
- -outputpath: Local directory, where the file will be written
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
inforservicecl.exe replication -server:win2012
-repuser:win2012\administrator -reppassword:test123 -listeneruser:win2012\administrator
The available commands with some examples are:
- -server: Name of server to configure
- -repuser: User name to give permission of queue to and set Replication service logon, which is LocalSystem by default
- -reppassword: Password of user to give permission of queue to and set Replication service logon
- -listeneruser: User name to give permission of queue to and set ReplQListener service logon, which is LocalSystem by default
- -listenerpassword: Password of user to give permission of queue to and set ReplQListener service logon
- [-log]: Full path to a log file to redirect to
inforservicecl.exe setserviceaccount
-service:TaskMan -logonacct:networkservice -taskman
inforservicecl.exe setserviceaccount -service:Replicator
-logonacct:win2012\administrator -logonpwd:test123
inforservicecl.exe setserviceaccount -service:AWSInterfaceService
-logonacct:.\administrator -logonpwd:test123
The available commands with some examples are:
- -LogonAcct: Security account under which the service will be run, for example, Domain\User, LocalSystem, or NetworkService
- -Service: Windows service to set the credentials on. Note: If TaskMan command is used, this is set to TaskMan.
- [-LogonPwd]: Password for the security account
- [-Server]: Name of the server to configure service on. Note: If not specified, the local machine will be used.
- [-SkipValidation]: This command is used to indicate that security account and password validation can be skipped. Default value is false.
- [-taskman]: This command is used to indicate that extra TaskMan-specific share should be made.
Report services
Use this command to configure report services and deploy reports to the report server, for example:
inforservicecl.exe reportservices
-url: -folder:SyteLineReport -dir:"C:\Program Files
inforservicecl.exe reportservices
-url:http://win2012r2/ReportServer -reportsonly
inforservicecl.exe reportservices -url:http://win2012r2/ReportServer
The available commands with some examples are:
- -URL: Report Server URL, for example, http://win2012r2/reportserver
- [-configurevs]: This command is used to configure Visual Studio reporting.
- [-folder]: Report Server Parent Folder, for
example,MongooseReportsNote: If none is given, a ProductReports string will be generated.
- [-dir]: Full path to the reports
directoryNote: If none given, the Report\Reports folder under the WinStudio directory will be used.
- [-reportsonly]: This command is used to import SSRS Reports or RDLs only. No IDO-based reporting setup.