External System Transaction Log - XML Document Format

External systems can transmit log records to the application via HTTP protocol using a standard "UpdateCollection" IDO Request XML document. The XML document includes the original transaction ID, time sent, name of the site that sent the message, and the text of the message. You can use this information in various ways; for example, you could monitor another system's responses to application data that is being uploaded into that system.

The XML document includes:

  • The original transaction ID
  • The time the log message was sent by the external system
  • The external system's site name
  • The text of the message

The following is sample XML for the IDO Request document that would be sent from an external system to this application in order to insert a record in the ExtSystemTransLog table. The records in this table display in the External System Transaction Log.

Substitute real values for the text in square brackets.

<RequestHeader Type="UpdateCollection">
    <UpdateCollection Name="MGCore.ExtSystemTransLogs" RefreshAfterUpdate="N">
        <Item Action="Insert">
          <Property Name="TransIdentifier" Modified="Y">[trans_id]</Property>
          <Property Name="LogMessageSentDate" Modified="Y"> [datetime]</Property>
          <Property Name="ExtSite" Modified="Y"> [ext_site_name]</Property>
          <Property Name="LogDesc" Modified="Y"> [log_msg] </Property>
Note: Any UpdateCollection request must be preceded by an OpenSession request and followed by a CloseSession request. See the document Integrating IDOs with External Applications for more information about IDO requests.

Information to Include in the Document

The XML document that is sent to the application should include values for these properties:

  • TransIdentifier is the original transaction ID that was sent from the application to the external system when an XML IDO request document was sent. This can be used as a reference to match up the log message with the original transaction. The identifier should refer to the information found in the original transaction's IDO request tag, for example:

    <UpdateCollection Name="EXTFIN.ExtFinLedgerPosting.ledger> OR <LoadCollection Name="Table!Customer"> OR <Method>CalcHrsSp<\Method>

  • LogMessageSentDate is the time the log message was sent by the external system, in the normalized date format YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS. This information is not required to be included.
  • ExtSite is the external system's site name, which was included as the "Target Site" in the original XML IDO request document from this application to the external system.
  • LogDesc is the text of the log message - up to 2800 characters.