Searching for a Customer or Consumer for Portal Unit Registration

When a unit registration request is submitted from the Customer or Reseller Portal, you must assign a customer or consumer number before posting the registration.

You can search for possible existing numbers to use based on information in the new registration request that matches existing records.

To find an existing customer/consumer number:

  1. In the upper part of theUnit Registration Posting form, select a new record that needs to be posted.
  2. In the Registration Request section, click Search. The Search For Unit Registration Posting form opens, showing matching records based on these criteria:
    • Name
    • Address1
    • Address2
    • Address3
    • Address4
    • City
    • Prov/St
    • Postal/Zip
    • Country
    • Phone
    • Email
  3. To use one of the existing records for the new registration request, scroll to see the Customer/Consumer number.
  4. Click OK to close the form.
  5. On the Unit Registration Posting form, enter that number in the New Registration section.