Mongoose updates

Enhanced report capabilities

We added two new options that you can apply on FlexLayout regions in report forms:

  • Keep With Previous Region property, which is used to print multiple report regions on the same page
  • Print at Bottom of Page property, which is used to print report regions at the bottom of the page, directly above the page footer

Enhanced FormSync diff or merge functionality in the web client

We modified the Script Name form to allow you to easily find and see differences between the new vendor base form and the extension being synchronized, and manually edit the extension being synchronized.

Ability to view replicated rows

We added a new Replication Viewer form, which loads data from the Replicated Rows and Shadow Values table.

Ability to view replication site information

We added a new Replication Site Info form, which loads data from the GetReplicationToSiteInfoSp table for viewing.

Support for external entities, roles, and users for Infor Federations Services (IFS)

To provide support for the IFS team’s external users requirements, we:

  • Added the External Entity Master form, which is used by licensed administrators to view external entities
  • Modified the Users and Groups forms to add the External Entity field

Ability to set the opacity of toolbar icons

We added an option to the Theme Editor that allows you to adjust the opacity of the Toolbar icon for enabled, disabled, and hover state.

Collection mapping on App Builder forms

When converting or copying App Builder projects to be Mongoose forms, we verify that the mapping from data service to IDO collection is performed correctly. If the data service was created using an IDO collection, the form is mapped back and bound to the original IDO collection. If the data service was created from an ION API, the IDO collection is first created and then correctly mapped and bound to the form.

Multiple Apps on Shared Servers SSO

We now support the ability to access multiple applications in SaaS from a single Mongoose installation using a single web browser instance. This is done with a setting on configuration groups in the Configuration Manager to override the application’s realm. This can also be set using a Configuration Manager CLI command. This setting is made by Cloud Operations for Multi-Tenant Cloud users.

Renamed Copy action

In the Actions menu, we renamed the Copy option to Duplicate to avoid confusion with the term copy in the Edit menu. This change is also applied to the right-click or context menu Copy option for grids and forms.

Support for internal web server application URL

In Amazon Web Services (AWS), a non-configurable timeout happens when routing through their Network Address Translation (NAT). This timeout only happens if the Mongoose web client hits the IDO Runtime with an external URL. If an internal URL is specified in the Configuration Manager, the Mongoose Windows client still requires an external DNS URL to make the connection.

To fix this problem, we added the “serverAffinity” parameter, which indicates the URL is the internal URL to the configuration and IDO Runtime servers. This parameter is added to the “configServerUrl” property in the web.config file for the Mongoose web client:

<add key="configServerUrl" value="https://internaldnsname/idorequestservice/configserver.aspx?serveraffinity=1"/>

This change is applicable to the web client and all remote requests, such as IDO web service, report service, and REST service.

Support for optional parameters in IDO Extension Methods

Optional parameters are now supported in IDO Extension Methods. Previously, optional parameters have been allowed, but a value was always required to be specified.

Ability to view enhancement summaries recordings

You can now view and download the enhancement summaries recordings for the current and previous versions on the Learn tab of the Mongoose Portal.