Thailand Country Pack update

Thailand Withholding tax details (RS8714)

Automatically activated. Changes to several forms have been made to support communication to Thailand’s Revenue Department for Thai customers.

A fourth address line and the Postal/Zip, WHT Pay Type, and WHT Pay Type (Others) fields have been added to the A/P Payment Distribution form.

A Logical Folder field and Files button have been added to the Accounts Payable Parameters form in a new Thai area.

The Withholding Tax Certificate Report form has changed with the removal of the Check Number field and the addition of the WHT Number and WHT Date range fields.

On the Withholding Tax Information Maintenance (After Posted) form, we have added the WHT Number, WHT Date, and A/P Payment (G/L Reference) range fields, along with several new fields in the grid, and we have removed the Check Number, WHT Sequence, and Bank Code fields.