Country Pack updates

These changes were made to country packs.

Poland Country Pack (RS8518)

Automatically activated. The new Poland Country Pack must be enabled on the Optional Modules form.

Poland eAuditing (RS8518_1)

Available to activate. Legal entities in Poland can generate a Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) in XML format. The Polish Standard Audit file set, referred to as Jednolity Plik Kontolny (JPK) is made up of seven files. Auditors use the files to perform compliance and substantive tests of the accounting data. The files are also submitted to the tax authority. These three files, which are used for electronic auditing, are now supported by SyteLine, in an integration withInfor Localization Services:

  • JPK_FA – VAT invoices
  • JPK_KR – Accounting records
  • JPK_MAG – Stock turnover

These files are not submitted automatically, but are submitted on request, for example when the data for a month is requested.

These BODs were added or modified to add information required for JPK:

  • AccountingEntity
  • ChartOfAccounts
  • CustomerPartyMaster
  • FinancialCalendar
  • Invoice
  • InventoryAdjustment
  • ItemMaster
  • Location
  • ReceiveDelivery (sends custom version ReceiveDeliveryPL for Poland Country Pack)
  • Shipment (sends custom version ShipmentPL for Poland Country Pack)
  • ShipFromPartyMaster
  • ShipToPartyMaster
  • SourceSystemGLMovement
  • SourceSystemJournalEntry
  • SupplierInvoice
  • SupplierPartyMaster

When SyteLine sends any of these BODs to the LSP application, LSP shreds the BOD data, prepares and stores it for on-demand JPK reports that can be requested by an LSP user.

Poland VAT Export (RS8518_3)

Automatically activated. You can use the new Poland VAT Export form, which is part of the Poland Country Pack optional module, to export all VAT transactions for a specified tax date range into a JPK_VAT formatted XML file. This requires some setup in other tax forms. See the help topic Generating a JPK_VAT report for Poland. Note: This form produces an XML format that is being replaced by the JPK_V7M format. (See the description of RS8891, below.)

Tax Date fields (RS8518_2 and RS8518_6)

Automatically activated. Previously, the tax date stored on VAT transactions was automatically based on the invoice date (for A/R) or the distribution date (for A/P). The date was shown on reports but could not be changed on any forms.

In some countries such as Poland, the tax date is a specific date to be used in VAT reporting and is not always the same date as the invoice date or distribution date. The new Tax Date field on these forms provides a default date, but (if the Poland Country Pack is enabled) a user with the appropriate permissions can correct the date as needed

  • Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos
  • A/R Posted Transactions Detail
  • Generate A/P Transactions
  • A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
  • Purchase Order Receiving Auto Voucher
  • Voucher Builder
  • Manual Voucher Builder
  • A/P Posted Transactions Detail

The Tax Date field was added to the appropriate query forms as well.

If the updated tax date is different from the invoice date on an unposted transaction, the exchange rate could be different between those dates. In that case, after A/P transactions are saved or generated, users are prompted to post the transaction so that the appropriate currency gain or loss journal entry is created to account for the difference. After transactions are posted, changing the tax date does not require any journals or GL transactions to be created because it affects only the VAT reporting date. (If needed, you can run the Currency Revaluation utility for currency variances on posted transactions.)

The Tax Date on these VAT reports now shows the updated tax date value, when appropriate:

  • EU VAT Report
  • Poland JPK_V7M Export
  • Purchase VAT Register
  • Sales VAT Register
  • VAT Report

More details

For more information about the Poland localization, see the SyteLine Poland Country Guide.

For more information about the integration with Infor Localization Services, see the SyteLine Integration Guide for Infor Localization Services.

Update VAT declaration for Poland to use JPK_V7M (RS8891)

Automatically activated. Previously, the JPK_VAT XML reporting format was required, which was generated through the Poland VAT Export form.

New forms, and new tabs on existing forms, were added to support the generation of the JPK_V7M XML export file. The new export file requires groupings of VAT amounts based on procedural markings. Procedural markings categorize the type of goods and transactions within an invoice or voucher. Procedural markings can be associated with specific customers, vendors, and tax codes (for items). Users can update the procedural markings for a particular invoice or voucher, or they can correct them as needed after transaction posting.

This enhancement applies to these types of business processes:

  • AR: Order invoicing, manual invoicing, consolidated invoicing and service order invoicing but excluding price adjustment invoicing and project invoicing.
  • AP: Generation of A/P transactions, manual vouchers and adjustments, Voucher Builder and manual Voucher Builder.

These forms are new:

  • Poland JPK_V7M Export form: This form, which replaces the Poland VAT Export form, is used to generate the monthly SAF-T XML, which must be filed with the tax authority. The XML export file is still generated to a logical folder, but now the tax values for each procedural marking code are calculated from the transactions, grouped by code, and included in the generated XML. After you preview the information, you can use the new tab/area to view the tax summary values for the code groups. You can also modify information for some of the codes before you generate the final export file.
  • VAT Procedural Markings: This form lists all of the procedural markings that are available in the application. Each procedural marking is assigned a Ref Type that indicates the functional area where the marking is available for selection: Customers, Vendors, or Tax Codes.

The Tax Parameters form includes a new JPK tab/area where you can define standard values to be used in the JPK V7M XML file.

A new Procedural Markings tab or area was added to the forms listed below. All of the procedural markings that are available to for that functional area (customers, vendors, or tax codes) are shown on the tab. Users select only the ones relevant to the specific customer, vendor, tax code (which is assigned by default to items), or transaction.

  • Tax Codes: Includes check boxes for all procedural markings where the Ref Type is Tax Codes. You select only the check boxes that are relevant to the currently selected tax code. The tax codes are assigned to items. When an item is associated with an A/R or A/P transaction, the procedural markings of the item (which are based on the default tax code assigned to the item) are included during the transaction processing.
  • Customers: Includes check boxes for all procedural markings where the Ref Type is Customers. You select only the check boxes that apply to this customer. Then when users create an AR transaction (customer order or manual invoice) that includes the customer, the VAT codes and procedural markings associated with the customer are included during transaction processing.
  • Vendors: Includes check boxes for all procedural markings where the Ref Type is Vendors. You select only the check boxes that apply to this vendor. Then when users create an A/P transaction (purchase order or manual voucher) that includes the vendor, the VAT codes and procedural markings associated with the vendor are included during transaction processing.
  • Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos: Lists all of the selected procedural markings associated with the CO header (customer) and with the CO line (tax codes associated with the items in the lines). When you create a manual A/R invoice or make corrections or exceptions to an existing invoice before posting, you can change the procedural marking selections here.
  • A/R Posted Transactions Detail: You can also update the selected procedural markings on this form, in order to correct mistakes or exceptions. Because the corrections are only relevant for tax submissions, the original invoice is not affected.
  • A/P Vouchers and Adjustments: Lists all of the selected procedural markings associated with the PO header (vendor) and with the PO lines (tax codes associated with the items in the lines).When you create a manual voucher, you can change the procedural markings here. For adjustments, you can view the procedural markings here, but you cannot change them.
  • A/P Posted Transactions Detail: You can also update the selected procedural markings on this form, in order to correct mistakes or exceptions. Because the corrections are only relevant for tax submissions, the original voucher is not affected.

These new forms and tabs/areas are only available when the Poland Country Pack is enabled on the Optional Modules form.

Sweden Country Pack (RS8676)

Automatically activated. The new Sweden Country Pack must be enabled on the Optional Modules form.

These features from Infor Localization Services are now supported as part of the Sweden Country Pack:

  • A credit transfer notification is used to advise your bank to transfer funds from one of your bank accounts to the vendor’s bank account as a supplier payment. SyteLine sends this notification as a CreditTransfer BOD when an AP EFT payment or a wire payment is posted. The BOD is sent through ION to the Localization Services Platform (LSP) application, where it is formatted into an appropriate message. For Sweden, these localization message formats are supported: BankGiro Foreign and Local, PlusGiro Foreign and Local, or SEPA Multi-Country.
  • Electronic supplier invoices are sent from vendors to SyteLine. The invoice files, in Svefaktura (SFTI) Basic format, must be placed in a folder where LSP can access them. LSP reformats the message as a SupplierInvoice BOD and sends it through ION to SyteLine. SyteLine processes the information from the BOD to create an unposted AP voucher.
  • LSP collects sales invoicing information from these BODs sent from SyteLine and then generates an electronic sales invoice message in the appropriate format:
    • AccountingEntity
    • CustomerPartyMaster
    • FinancialCalendar
    • Invoice
    • ShipToPartyMaster

    The sales invoice electronic message file is placed in a folder so that the user can send it on to the appropriate government agency.

All of the BODs listed above have been modified to add information required for the Sweden Country Pack features.

If the Sweden Country Pack is enabled, only vendor payments from the AP EFT and Wire Payments form are used to generate a CreditTransfer BOD. Vendor, employee or customer payments on the Bank Reconciliations form do not generate this BOD.

For more information about the localization, see the SyteLine Sweden Country Guide. For more information about the Infor Localization Services integration, see the SyteLine Integration Guide for Infor Localization Services.

Updates to the Vietnam Country Pack (RS8822)

Automatically activated. SyteLine version 10 now supports some Vietnam legal reporting requirements.

In the 9.01.x version of the Vietnam Country Pack, there were separate forms for VAS General Ledger Report (S01-DN), VAS General Journal Report (S03a-DN), and VAS VAT Input Report (01-2/GTGT) The reports are now generated as different report types from SyteLine core forms:

  • The General Ledger Transaction Report form has a new Report Type field, where you can select options to print general ledger information using the standard report format, the Vietnam S01-DN report format, or the Vietnam S03a-DN report format.
  • The Purchase VAT Register form has an existing Report Type field with a new option to print the Vietnam 01-2/GTGT report format. We added an Account Prefix field that is used only with this option.

For more information about these reports, as well as other Vietnam requirements that are supported through standard SyteLine functionality, see the SyteLine Country Guide for Vietnam.