Mongoose updates
Added ThemeClass action verb to conditional actions
We added the
action verb used in applying a component theme using conditional action when a defined condition is fulfilled.Increased security when using Internet Explorer
We enhanced the security measures Mongoose uses when it is being called from an Infor Ming.le™ site in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+.
IMS Schema Updates Support Oauth2
We have made updates that now allow replicated data to be sent to the Data Lake from on-premises installations. These enhancements use ION API to make the replication data transfers.
New Report Theme option
Previously, the theme used when generating reports was based on the theme assigned in User Preferences. In this release, you can now select a specific report theme that is not dependent on the value set in User Preferences.
Enable pagination on Grid components in the web client
In the web client, you can now use the Client Grid Pagination property to enable pagination and add page controls on Grid components.
New scripting API for child form
We added a form-level function that takes a form name string parameter, and return
if the form's LastModalChildForm either is, or descends from, per the BaseForm property, the form named in the string parameter.Export collection to an external file in the web client
In the web client, you can now use the Export to File dialog box to export data in a collection to an external file.