Using the Report Wizard

The Report Wizard is a simple step method used to generate various financial reports on the fly by using the GL function to retrieve data from the selected site.

  1. Click Report Wizard in the SyteLine toolbar.
  2. Select a Reporting Pack: Select Standard, Chinese, or Vietnamese.
    Specify these parameters (not all parameters are visible for all templates):
    • Report Template: There are four financial report templates available for selection with each reporting pack. The Standard Templates are Balance Sheet By Type, Balance Sheet By Account Class, Trial Balance, and Profit and Loss Statement. The Chinese Templates are Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flow, and Statement of Changes in Equity Report. The Vietnamese Templates are Trial Balance, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet. Select the template that you want to use. These templates, except Trial Balance, are designed with empty group definitions to get you started with your own custom data using the Add-In. The Trial Balance template doesn’t use any group definition and instead shows all chart of account codes.
    • Site: Select a site. This default site name comes from the site selected on the Excel toolbar. The Year field is updated when the site changes..
    • Period: Select the period that will be used in the formula.
    • Year: Select the fiscal year that will be used in the formula.
    • Currency: This field is optional. If you select a currency, the G/L balances are converted to the selected currency.
    • FSB: This field is optional. It provides a list of FSB names that is populated each time a different site is selected. The primary GL is used when no FSB is selected.
    • Use Dynamic Parameters: Select this check box to make the report more interactive by using the selectable parameters lists. Dropdowns for Period, Fiscal Year, and Site are added to the top of the spreadsheet.
    • Income Summary Account: Select the income summary account that will be use in the formula.
    • Include Zero Balance: Select this check box if you want to include zero-balance accounts. If you create the report without this option selected, accounts that are zero this month but have values next month do not appear in the report. We recommend that you use this option if you create your own Custom template or report. This check box does not display if using the Chinese Reporting Pack and Income Statement is selected as the report template.
  3. Click Generate. The report is generated.
    Standard Reporting Pack: There are 4 report templates if you use the standard reporting pack: Balance Sheet by Type, Balance Sheet by Account Class, Trial Balance, and Profit and Loss Statement.
    • Balance Sheet by Type: This report, grouped by the Type column from the Chart of Accounts, has Account Code and the SLDESC function to retrieve the description, and either the SLGLBAL or the SLNGLBAL function to retrieve the balance amount. The Site, Period, and Year have a selectable drop-down list, so you can easily change the data that displays in the report. The difference between revenue and expenditure is added to the bottom of the Balance Sheet with a title of Estimated P/L. The argument value of the GL function uses absolute cell reference for Site, Period, and Year, and relative cell references for account code, when the Use Dynamic Parameters is checked in the Report Wizard. The estimated P/L is calculated using the End of Period rate.
    • Balance Sheet by Account Class: This report is the same as Balance Sheet by Type except that the grouping is performed based on Account Class.
    • Trial Balance: This report is set up with the use of an extra drop down list field in the Report Wizard. When you select Trial Balance as the Report Template, the Income Summary Account field is displayed.

      This report is grouped by Account Class. It includes account codes with type Assets, Liabilities, Owners' Equity, Revenue and Expense. The closing amount, which may be already part of Retained Earnings, may cause a non-balanced debit and credit totals. To avoid this, the closing balance must be subtracted from the Retained Earnings account. Since the SL doesn’t keep the Income Summary account while performing the Year-end closing activities, the Add-in requires you to select the same prior to generating the Trial Balance. The Income Summary Account field only displays account codes with the type ‘Owners Equity’.

    The closing summary amount is calculated as: SLPL(12, 2012, "OH", "Y") - SLPL(12, 2012, "OH", "N")

    • Profit and Loss Statement: This report is set up with the use of an extra check box on the Report Wizard. When you select Profit and Loss Statement as the Report Template, the Use Expense-to-Revenue check box is displayed. If you select the Use Expense-to-Revenue check box, the period total and YTD total percentage is calculated by dividing an individual expense by total revenue. If this check box is cleared, the percentage is calculated by dividing an individual expense amount by total expense.

    This report includes items from revenue and expenditure type accounts. You must assign the appropriate Account Class to your chart of accounts code to generate this statement. The report is formatted in this order:

    • Revenue and Group Total
    • Cost of Sales and Group Total
    • Gross Profit. Calculated : Revenue - COS
    • Operating Expense and Group Total
    • Profit from Operations. Calculated: GP - Operation Total
    • Interest Income Expense and Group Total
    • Non-Operating Income Expense and Group Total
    • Depreciation and Amortization Expense and Group Total
    • Profit before Tax Expense. Calculated: GP - Total Expense (without Tax)
    • Tax Expense and Group Total
    • Net Profit Calculated: GP - Total Expense

    Vietnamese Reporting Pack: There are four report templates if you use the Vietnamese reporting pack: Trial Balance, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet. The templates are formatted using the GL Group functions. Users must map their Chart of Account codes to each group to get the balance amount for each group. Once the report is rendered on a worksheet, right-click on each Reporting Group and assign account codes from the ‘Add To Reporting Group’ form. This is a one-time setup for each template, and you can modify the grouping at any time.

    Trial Balance: This template is formatted as per the Model No. S06-DN and grouped by the account class. It is designed to show opening balance, current period balance, and closing balance.

    Income Statement: This template is formatted as per the Model No. B02-DN. It is designed to show net income/loss for the given period and fiscal year and also show the balance for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

    Cash Flow Statement: This template is formatted as per the Model No. B03-DN. It is designed to show cash flow for the given period and fiscal year and also show the balance for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

    Balance Sheet: This template is formatted as per the Model No. B01-DN. It is designed to show the balance for the given period and fiscal year and also show the closing balance for the previous fiscal year.

    Chinese Reporting Pack: There are four report templates if you use the Chinese reporting pack: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flow, and Statement of Changes in Equity Report. The main content of the Chinese reports consists of the Reporting Group, Sequence Number, Amount columns that show the current month as well as the cumulative amount.

    Income Statement (CRP only): This is an income statement report. It includes the Company Name, Site Name, Day, Month, Year of the statement, and the name of the person who prepared this statement. Initially, this report is generated with no balance amount. That's because the Reporting Group definition has no account code associated with it. Once the report is rendered on a worksheet, you can right click on each Reporting Group and assign account codes from the Add To Reporting Group form. This is a one-time setup, and you can modify the grouping when needed.

    Balance Sheet - CRP (CRP only): This report is grouped by the Type and Account Class column from the Chart of Accounts. It is formatted using the Excel functions, SLDESC to retrieve description and SLGLBAL function to retrieve the balance amount. The Site, Period and Year are choices in the drop-down list, so the report can be viewed for different periods.

    Statement of Cash Flow: The Statement of Cash Flow shows the actual cash collected and paid by using inflow and outflow.

    The Statement of Cash Flow has these three sections:
    • Operating Activities
    • Investing Activities
    • Financing Activities

    The columns headers in the report are: Item, Line No, Subtotal, and Cumulative. The report template is formatted using the SL GROUPING functions such as SLGRPDESC, SLGRPGLBAL, SLGRPGLYTDBAL and SLNGRPGLYTDBAL. Initially, the report is rendered without any balance; that is because there is no COA associated with any group definitions. Once the template is generated, you can add COA to each group. You can modify the group definition to suit your requirement.

    Most of the inflow and outflow balances are derived after adding or subtracting certain Balance Sheet items. In this case, an increase or decrease in current year balance is calculated by comparing with the previous year balance. The columns that retrieve previous year and current year balance to calculate the difference are hidden.

    This table shows the addition or subtraction of differences to Inflow and Outflow total:

    Increase Decrease
    Asset Outflow Inflow
    Liabilities Infow Outflow
    Equity Inflow Outflow
    This table shows cash flows from operating activities using the direct method:
    Line Item Description
    Sales of goods or services received in cash Type: Inflow Sales +- (add or subtract) A/R difference - Bad Debt Expenses

    Line 1 : Net Sales = YTD Sales (SLNGRPGLYTDBAL)

    Line 2: A/R Difference = Previous Year A/R Balance(SLGRPGLBAL) - Current Year A/R Balance (SLGRPGLBAL)

    If difference is + amount (means decrease in AR) then amount is added to the inflow.

    If difference is - amount (means increase in AR) then amount is subtracted from the inflow.

    Prev. Year Current Year Result (Prev-Curr) Effect

    100 80 +20 Inflow.

    Added to Sales

    70 100 -30 Outflow. Subtracted from Sales

    Line 3: Bad Debts = Total bad debts expenses(P/L)

    Cash Received from Other Operating Activities Type: Inflow Other Income +- Income Receivable difference

    Line 4: Other Income = Income Accounts excluding Sales.

    Line 5: Difference Income Receivable : Previous Year Balance(B/S) - Current Year Balance (B/S)

    If difference is + amount (means decrease in Income Receivable) then amount is added to the inflow.

    If difference is - amount (means increase in Income Receivable) then amount is subtracted from the inflow.

    Refunds of taxes Type: Inflow Line 6 : Tax Refund Account
    Interest Income Type: Inflow Line 7: Interest Income
    Other operating cash receipts Type: Inflow Line 8: Other Cash Receipt
    Purchase of goods and services paid by cash Type: Outflow COG+- Difference Inventory - Difference A/P

    Line 9: COG = Cost of Goods Sold

    Line 10: Difference Inventory = Current Year Balance(B/S) - Previous Year(B/S)

    If difference is + amount (means increase in Inventory) then amount is added to the COG.

    If difference is - amount (means decrease in Inventory) then amount is subtracted from the COG.

    Current Year Prev. Year Result (Curr-Prev) Effect

    100 80 +20 Outflow. Added to COG

    70 100 -30 Inflow. Subtracted from COG

    Line 11: A/P = Previous Year (B/S) - Current Year (B/S)

    If difference is + amount (means decrease in A/P) then amount is added to the COG.

    If difference is - amount (means increase in A/P) then amount is subtracted from the COG.

    Prev. Year Current Year Result (Curr-Prev) Effect

    100 80 +20 Outflow. Added to COG

    70 100 -30 Inflow. Subtracted from COG

    Cash Payments for Operating Expenses Type: Outflow Total Operating Expenses +- Accrued Liabilities difference

    Line 12: Total Operating Expense=Expense type accounts excluding Bad Debt Expenses and Depreciation

    Line 13: Accrued Liabilities = Previous Year - Current Year

    Prev. Year Current Year Result (Curr-Prev) Effect

    100 80 +20 Outflow. Added to Operating Expenses

    70 100 -30 Inflow. Subtracted from Operating Expenses

    Paid to and for employees Type : Outflow Line 14: Employee Expenses
    Cash Paid for Interest Line 15: Interest Expense
    Cash Paid for Taxes Type : Outflow Tax Expense +- Difference Accrued Taxes Payable

    Line 16: Tax Expense: YTD Tax Expense total (P/L)

    Line 17: Accrued Taxes Payable = Previous Year - Current Year

    Prev. Year Current Year Result (Curr-Prev) Effect

    100 80 +20 Inflow. Added to Tax Expense

    70 100 -30 Outflow. Subtracted from Tax Expense

    Other Payment Type : Outflow Line 18: +/- Other Expense

    The Add-In finds the previous fiscal-year by using the current fiscal year definitions. The end-period of the previous fiscal-year is retrieved from the period table.

    Financing and Investing sections have total inflow and outflow which is added to the total Inflow and Outflow at the end.

    Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity Report (SOCE): The SOCE statement shows the increase and decrease in the owner's equity.
    Description Retrieved using the SLGRPDESC function
    Line No A sequence number
    Share Capital Record the opening balance and subsequence changes in the share capital
    Capital Reserve Record the opening balance and subsequence changes in the capital reserve
    Surplus Reserve Record the opening balance and subsequence changes in the surplus reserve
    Undistributed Profit Record the opening balance and subsequence changes in the undistributed profit
    Treasury Shares Record the opening balance and subsequence changes in the treasury shares
    Total owners' equity Calculate the total
    This table shows line items:
    Line No.



    1 Balance at the end of last year The balance from the previous year is calculated using the function SLGLGRPBAL. The end-period of previous fiscal year is used.
    2 Changes in accounting policies The balance is added to the undistributed profit
    3 Prior period errors The balance is added to the undistributed profit
    4 Profit for the year The balance is added to the undistributed profit
    5 Other The balance is added to the undistributed profit
    6 Owner Capital investment The balance is added to the share capital
    7 Repurchase of treasury shares The balance is added to the treasury shares
    8 Allocated to the owners (shareholders) The balance is added to the share capital
    9 Transfer to surplus reserve The balance is added to the surplus reserve
    10 Capitalizing of capital reserves The balance is added to the capital reserve
    11 Capitalizing of surplus reserves The balance is added to the surplus reserve
    12 Surplus reserves make up losses The balance is added to the surplus reserve